Human Resources

The future of internal communications

The future of internal communications

Is your organization ready for the future of internal communications? Social, video, mobile, Intranets, wearables, BYOD, gamification, ESN, applification, Vlogs…This is only a small sampling of the latest and greatest technologies and trends in internal communications. Internal communications are evolving and we have to evolve with it. Why? If we don’t embrace new technologies to

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Creating company culture that motivates and inspires your workforce

How to create a company culture that motivates and inspires your workforce

Imagine bringing your brand to life through inspired and engaged employees who understand your organization’s vision. Create a company culture that motivates and inspires your workforce and you will have highly engaged employees that can deliver your brand promise to your customers every day. But the question persists: how does an organization cultivate a company

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Connecting Employees_Engage Employees

How to connect & engage employees

An effective way of engaging employees is by connecting them to their work’s purpose. But how do we connect them to their work’s purpose? 1) Communicate your brand to employees – Internal brand activation requires a strategic plan to communicate with employees. Activating the brand internally is very similar to an external brand launch. The

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Employee Engagement_Where to start

Employee Engagement: Where to start

When building a company culture that cultivates employee engagement, there is only one place to start: at the top. Senior management is responsible for not only building but also communicating the organization’s vision. Coincidentally, the workforces’ perception of senior management can actually impact employee engagement. In order to strategically build an engaged workforce and positive

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Employee Engagement strategy

4 reasons why your organization needs an employee engagement strategy

The importance of employee engagement continues to grow. However, with only 30% of U.S. workers actively engaged at work, there is a problem staring us right in the face. How do we cultivate employee engagement? When it comes to keeping employees engaged, organizations sometimes resort to higher pay and more perks. But those are tactics

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become more productive at work

5 brain tricks to become more productive at work

By: Jim Wexler Gamification Forum Chairperson Founder, Experiences Unlimited @JimWexler   The brain tends to procrastinate delaying productivity altogether. Here are some tips to “trick” the brain and help with productivity. (Learning and performance improvement are core topics at the Gamification Forum in New York in October) Make sure to breakdown and divide tasks into

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8 ways to engage Millennial employees

8 ways to engage Millennial employees

A high level of employee engagement is a goal of every organization. With a highly engaged workforce comes productivity and, ultimately, positive business results. The Millennial workforce often has priorities varying from that of other generational employees, say Baby Boomers. So, in order to effectively engage your Millennial employees, it’s important to be clear about

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7 common mistakes when managing the Millennial workforce

7 common mistakes when managing the Millennial workforce

Retaining, engaging, and managing Millennials can be a challenge. HR professionals, internal communicators, and managers should be aware of these 7 common mistakes when it comes to Millennials in the workplace: 1) Adopting their jargon. You might think you’re strengthening a bond with your workforce when you start including “YOLO” on internal communications – but

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3 ways to bridge the generational gap in the workplace

3 ways to bridge the generational gap in the workplace

Recruiting and retaining the Millennial workforce is only a part of the challenge for today’s organizations. Managing a multi-generational workforce comes with its own set of unique challenges. How do you make Millennials feel valued without alienating the rest of your workforce? What’s the best way to efficiently and effectively communicate with a multi-generational workforce?

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