How to create a company culture that motivates and inspires your workforce

Imagine bringing your brand to life through inspired and engaged employees who understand your organization’s vision. Create a company culture that motivates and inspires your workforce and you will have highly engaged employees that can deliver your brand promise to your customers every day.

But the question persists: how does an organization cultivate a company culture that motivates and inspires their workforce?

  • Open up a two-way dialogue with employees. In order to effectively communicate with your employees, you need to engage in conversation. Avoid speaking at your employees. Instead try leveraging employee surveys, internal town hall meetings, or even a social intranet platform and start an ongoing, two-way dialogue with your workforce. Once you’ve put tools in place for employees to communicate with you, the next step is simple: listen. Show your employees that their insights and opinion are valued by the organization.
  • Get leadership involved. Especially in larger organizations, senior management and company leadership can be placed on a seemingly untouchable pedestal. There is value in humanizing leadership and connecting the general workforce with them. Find unique ways to bridge the gap between front-line employees and leadership. When the workforce sees leadership as colleagues who are also working towards a common goal, it can inspire collaboration and action.
  • Implement recognition programs. Sometimes motivation can be as simple as recognition. Start by defining a recognition program that would work for your organization and industry. Allow managers to select and reward outstanding employees. Peer-to-peer recognition programs have also proven successful in cultivating motivation through recognition. Don’t want to single anyone out? Try implementing an employee appreciation week to let your entire workforce know their hard work does not go unnoticed.

Building a positive and inspiring company culture from the ground up takes time, effort, and a strategic plan. Tell us in the comments below: What makes your company culture inspiring?

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