5 ways to attract Millennial talent

Since Millennials will make up 46% of the workforce within the next 5 years, it’s going to be crucial to your organization’s success to recruit the top Millennial talent.

Here are 5 effective ways to attract top Millennial talent…

Give them a taste of your company’s daily life. Promoting your culture and internal brand and showing what it’s like to work at your organization is a great way to strike interest among Millennials.

Take advantage of social platforms for recruiting. Social media ads are becoming a more popular and effective way to recruit the Millennial workforce.

Focus on the sense of purpose the job would provide them. Connecting the potential hires with the “why” behind your organization will get them excited and interested in contributing.

Offer flexibility and work-life balance. If possible, offering flexible hours or occasional remote work options to employees can be a big selling point for Millennials. They value a healthy work-life balance and want to work for an organization that understands that.

Make sure your website and social identities are up-to-date. The web is where Millennials will go to research your company. Make sure you are presenting an accurate and inspiring image of your organization to create interest among the right candidates.


Is your organization doing something innovative to recruit the Millennial workforce? Tell us in the comments section below…


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