5 brain tricks to become more productive at work

By: Jim Wexler
Gamification Forum Chairperson
Founder, Experiences Unlimited


The brain tends to procrastinate delaying productivity altogether. Here are some tips to “trick” the brain and help with productivity.

(Learning and performance improvement are core topics at the Gamification Forum in New York in October)

  1. Make sure to breakdown and divide tasks into smaller, realistic and achievable goals. Convert year-long deadlines into weekly goals so that they are more attainable.
  1. Motivate yourself by doing a self-check on the status of your work. If you’re veering off, you can mentally remind yourself to get back to work. If you’re way ahead of schedule, you can pause and re-invigorate yourself.
  1. Make some tasks fun by turning it into a game. Some companies have observed a marked increase in productivity when game elements have been added to the tasks.
  1. Daydream on the job, as it can trigger creative ideas. Mind-wandering is said to have aided humans when survival depended on creative solutions.
  1. Pictures of nature will help refresh your brain There’s a reason you look out the window and seek nature; it can help you concentrate on your work and to maintain performance across the workday


Source: http://www.hngn.com/articles/111114/20150721/work-productivity-5-brain-tricks-become-more-productive-proven-science.htm


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