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Maximizing the Public Sector Channel Shift with Modernized Comms Tools

Written by Catherine Andrews, April 5, 2018.  Today we’re used to engaging with government by tweeting, email, web surveys and more. But take a step back and think to 100 years ago—nothing was the same. The only way to interact with your government was to write letters, visit city hall in person or attend open

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Why Mobile is Essential in Employee Communications

Why Mobile is Essential in Employee Communications

Mobile Intranets Once upon a time, mobile devices were the size of small bricks and used exclusively by the rich and famous. Today, over 75% of the American population owns a smartphone, which they can easily tuck into their pocket. With employees spending almost as much time on their phones as their computers, many companies

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How To Get What You Want - Tips for Leadership Buy-in

How To Get What You Want – Tips for Leadership Buy-in

  Communicators excel at the art of connecting with large groups of people. But today they must also be adept at evaluating and the acquiring software technology that enables them to put relevant content directly in front of employees, wherever they work ­– Employee Communication and Engagement (ECE) Platforms. This guide demystifies the process of

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Leading the Employee Communication Revolution

Two worlds live inside corporations today. At one end of the spectrum you have workers who are almost entirely disconnected from their organizations. They represent the estimated 80 percent of the global workforce who aren’t sitting at computers all day. They have a challenge knowing what’s happening at their company. They feel left out. Then

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Working With Strengths

From the Brilliant Ink Blog by Patty Youngclaus Brilliant Ink’s Ann Melinger will be speaking at ALI’s upcoming conference Aligning HR & Internal Communications to Boost the Employee Experience,  April 24 – 26 in New York.  Melinger will lead an Interactive Workshop: How to Tackle Measurement Challenges Through Strategy, Business-Driven Communications and HR Goals _______________________

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ALI Celebrates 20 Years

ALI Celebrates 20 Years – Thank You For Being A Part Of Our Community

It’s hard to believe Advanced Learning Institute is celebrating 20 years of conferences! No matter where the next 20 years takes us, we know we’re committed to bringing you excellent conference experiences that help you recharge, be inspired & stay up-to-date in your career. Although the topics, trends and challenges have constantly evolved over the

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World’s Top Digital Industrial Company Transforms Communication Across the Business

World’s Top Digital Industrial Company Transforms Communication Across the Business

One of the world’s largest digital industrial companies, this global brand has hundreds of thousands of employees in multiple business units, spread across countless countries. Keeping their employees connected and engaged is incredibly challenging.   Lack of Connection with Employees The company had numerous siloed business units with different internal communication strategies and tactics. The

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Let’s Get Personal

Written by Jessica Brook, SocialChorus Mentioning the title of SocialChorus’ ebook, 6 Ways to Attract And Keep Your Employees’ Attention, is probably a good way to attract any communicator’s attention. Who in the employee communications world hasn’t struggled, at one point or another, to hold the concentration of a group of employees? In the following

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The Transition of the Chief Marketing Officer to the Chief Growth Officer-It’s the Real Thing

Written by Rob Rosenberg, Springboard Brand & Creative Strategy Last year brought about many major shifts and conversations in the healthcare industry; from new national health plans to ongoing debates of repeal or reform of the Affordable Care Act. All of these have had an impact on healthcare marketing and most organizations are holding tight

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