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agenda - Day 2: Wednesday, October 22, 2008

8:00 a.m.
Continental Breakfast & Networking

8:30 a.m.
Chairperson's Opening Of Day Two

Michael Rudnick, Global Intranet & Portal Practice Leader
Watson Wyatt Worldwide


8:40 a.m.

Brand Management – Talking The Talk In A Web 2.0 World

A Splog and an Imglish walk into a pub

...the Splog says to the Imglish "ru in the txt-off tom?"

The Imglish replies "afaik, I s/b ttyl."

OK, if you understood any of that, maybe you're an early adopter. If not, time to get with Web 2.0–AKA connecting people via social media. Amazingly, it's taken less than a year to generate 50 million social media users (TV and the PC took 13 and 16 years respectively to attract that many people), with the medium becoming such a big part of our culture that many feel lost without it.

Not surprisingly, social media is also starting to play an important role in the world of business – especially in terms of recruitment. Why? Because today, a significant portion of the candidates companies seek are NOT actively looking for jobs, so the jobs have to look for them. And more and more that means using social media. Facebook, Myspace and YouTube are where the Millennials "graze" and they continue to impact the way in which this demographic seeks and shares information. Bottom line: social media is where businesses have to meet potential employees, build their brand and – literally – talk the talk.

Steven Ehrlich, Vice President of Client Development
TMP Worldwide

With more than 15 years of educational marketing, brand articulation, website development, and software development experience, Steven Ehrlich has become recognized as a "change missionary" – speaking at various events across the country on new communication technology and how it affects the way we reach people in today’s world. Gain instant insight into how your organization can effectively use Web 2.0 to connect companies to current and potential employees. Don't miss this unique and dynamic speaker!

9:35 a.m.
Morning Refreshment & Networking Break

10:05 a.m.
How A 100 Year Old Company Uses Social Media To Communicate, Celebrate And Grow Their Brand For Tomorrow

General Motors celebrates 100 years of doing business on September 16, 2008 and there are many components that incorporate the celebration. One of them is the GMnext web site. This web site has been developed to communicate and build anticipation for the vision of General Motors over the next 100 years.

The GMnext web site has been built with Web 2.0 technology components that are geared to engage people on both the rational and emotional levels on five core business concepts of the organization that include:

  1. Design
  2. Green
  3. Technology
  4. Reach
  5. Ideas

The website was developed to generate a two-way dialogue between our audiences and GM employees on these five subjects and communicate GM's centennial message directly.

A variety of social media tools have been employed to connect GM, its regions and its brands with customers, employees and influencers throughout the globe. Among these are the GMnext blog, "Our Thoughts, Your Thoughts", a historical wiki, micro-blogging, vlogs, RSS feeds, and podcasts, as well as web chats with a variety of employees.

During this session you will hear about General Motors' wins and successes as well as their struggles and challenges while developing the GMnext web site. Specifically, we'll cover:
  • What worked with the development of the GMnext program
  • What didn't work and why
  • Details on the launch - which included a 24-hour global web chat
  • Key takeaways and benefits from the program

This will be a fascinating behind-the-scenes descriptive presentation that will show you how a 100 year old company communicates, celebrates, and grows with social media technology and processes.

Natalie Johnson, Manager, Social Media Communications
General Motors


11:00 a.m.
How To Integrate Emerging Media Into A Well-Established Multi-Channel Brand To Reach New Audiences

H&R Block is the world's largest tax services provider and one of the most recognized brands in America today. With over 13,000 retail offices in the U.S., Block has a physical presence within a five-mile radius of nearly every American home.

But Block is more than retail offices; it also has a strong digital tax product offering as well, but low recognition in the marketplace. With emerging media changing the way marketing communications connects with its customers, Block has had to also change. No longer do the tried and true tactics of more than 50 years continue to be effective means of acquiring and retaining new digital tax clients.

The new taxpayer of today is looking for do-it-yourself digital tax solutions from a company that they view as "digitally dialed-in" and H&R Block is not generally first of mind.

In this session, you will learn:
  • How Block is blatantly advertising through social media...and getting away with it
  • The ins and outs, pros and cons of launching an online community to put "fun" into tax and garner the attention of a new generation of taxpayers
  • How to effectively use YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, & Second Life sites to reach new audiences

Paula Drum, Vice President of Marketing, Digital Tax Solutions>
H&R Block

Denise Sposato, Director of Communications & Communities, Digital Tax Marketing
H&R Block

11:55 a.m.
Lunch On Your Own -- But Not Alone!

Join a group of your colleagues for lunch with an informal discussion facilitated by one of our expert speakers. Take this opportunity to connect with others in a small, interactive group setting to network and brainstorm solutions to your most pressing social media concerns.

1:30 p.m.
Group Exercise:

You asked for it, you got it! Interact and discuss how to implement the latest technology tools to assist you in meeting your social media challenges with your fellow attendees and our experienced speakers. You will leave with new tools and ideas for more successfully applying best practices to your own Web 2.0 initiatives.


2:15 p.m.
How A Fortune 500 Company Is Using Social Media To Communicate With Its Global Employee Audience

Sometimes it is better not to ask, but to just go ahead and hit the install button. Siemens social media experience began with a 20 Euro piece of software and a small web server that ignited a conversation about the changing face of corporate communication.

Siemens has around 400,000 employees working to develop and manufacture products, design and install complex systems and projects, and tailor a wide range of solutions for the industry, energy and healthcare sectors. So, what happens when such a diverse global workforce meets blogging, social networks and web 2.0?

Using specific examples from Siemens' social media experiences, you will learn how to:
  • Transition traditional corporate rollouts to more social media-friendly avenues
  • Use social networks like Facebook to supplement your corporate communications
  • Discover unknown things about your company by becoming an early adapter
  • Avoid the pitfalls of executive blogging

Jim Lukach, Manager Online Communications
Siemens Corporation

3:10 p.m.
Afternoon Refreshment & Networking Break

3:25 p.m.
Shifting A Corporate Culture To Embrace Social Networking And Strengthen Your Brand

Persistence and vision are essential to any major change. Growing support within a global Fortune 1000 company for a whole new way of communicating is no exception.

NetApp had been using Podcasting, VODs, and wikis internally and had an external blogging program for years. Looking for a way to strengthen its brand as well to communicate with and listen to employees and customers, NetApp decided to implement online communities as part of their social media strategy.

Naturally, moving in this new direction brought on some challenges, including:
  • Convincing decision-makers and leaders that an online community had business implications and is more than Facebook
  • Identifying a software application that was enterprise ready and satisfied IT and security concerns
  • Aligning disparate groups to support a common software platform
  • Securing budget and resources
Attend this session and discover how your organization can embrace online communities and strengthen your own brand. Specifically, we’ll cover how to:
  • Make survey data actionable
  • Socialize your vision
  • Build alliances across an organization that lead to executive buy-in
  • Secure adequate budget and staff
  • Select your initial pilot implementations
  • Grow your program organically
  • Use online communities to strengthen your brand

Francesca Karpel, Senior Manager & Strategist


4:20 p.m.
Chairperson's Recap:
Key Takeaways And What To Do When You Get Back To The Office

We'll recap the highlights of the past two days and ask you to share key insights and next steps with the group.

4:30 p.m.
Close Of General Sessions
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