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agenda - Day 1: Tuesday, May 22, 2012

8:00 a.m.
Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m.
chair addy
Chairperson's Welcome, Opening Remarks & Presentation: How To Operate Your Social Media Plans With FDA And Pharma Guidance

The only way to credibly engage with influencers is to have critical information for them to say. What pharma has to say must be to the public's benefit. This train of thought is lacking in healthcare. Pharma does not realize their own network value.  Their goal should be to advance the public health, which can be done through active, lively and regular participation.  It’s not the responsible thing to not participate in social media, because that is where the public is.  It’s not comfortable for people because it’s not a pay world, it’s a play world.

Social media’s Golden Rule is transparency.  If you don’t challenge the social media path at all, no one will know where you want to go.  The FDA has released some initial draft guidance, but does it really matter?  A regulatory holy grail will only lead to disappointment and frustration.  Would a rolling guidance for social media be the best way to have guidance?  Are expectations from the FDA and pharma the same?  Interactivity needs to be turned on at pharma.  The networks must be elastic to best operate.

This enlightening and impactful session will explore points that are often overlooked, including:

  1. There is a difference between online advertising and social media.  Google ads aren’t social media.  It’s paid advertising.
  2. There is a difference between social media platforms and social media content.  If the content is not compliant in other areas, than the social media platform isn’t the problem.
  3. The fear of adverse event discovery is dangerous and misguided.  We need to embrace the fact that adverse event experiences can be seen.
  4. The fear of User-Generated Content is real, but there are many solutions from moderation to corporate responses to educating the users.
  5. Who is responsible for what on social media?  No single company can be responsible for everyplace something is said on the Internet.  If you advertise on a webpage, you are not responsible for the content of that webpage.

Whatever you do, just make sure it advances public health.  As long as you can answer “Yes,” you are okay.

speakerPeter Pitts, President


9:30 a.m.
Break-Out Blitz!
Network And Discuss Social Media Challenges With Your Fellow Conference Attendees

This session will open the conversation by connecting you with other conference participants and gain greater understanding into many similar issues, concerns, and challenges that your peers are also facing. Become acquainted with your fellow conference attendees in this fun and fast-paced forum!

10:00 a.m.
Morning Refreshment & Networking Break

10:30 a.m.
How Private Online Communities Generate Insights And Innovation Without Generating Waves

Private market research online communities (MROCs) provide a safe venue in which companies can engage patients and physicians in research and product innovation via social media, while significantly minimizing their regulatory and compliance risks. In this session you will learn about what Lifescan, a division of Johnson & Johnson, and other pharmaceutical and healthcare companies have learned about recruiting, engaging, and generating business-changing insight and innovation via private online communities, offering practical tips and lessons learned.

Specifically, you will take away lessons on how to:

  • Define the optimal stakeholders, mission, and membership of an MROC
  • Employ a range of engaging feedback, discovery, and co-creation techniques to drive insight and innovation
  • Address concerns regarding adverse event reporting, off-label usage, and patient privacy

Sharon Landa, Director of Diabetes Care Franchise Strategic Marketing for LifeScan, Inc.

Julie Wittes Schlack


11:20 a.m.
Integrated Marketing 2012:
The Impact Of Social Media And Mobile On Pharma

Social media and mobile have been the topics of much contention within nearly every pharma marketing department. The recent FDA guidance that hints at what the regulatory body is thinking will be little help as these two platforms converge in 2012. Is pharma ready to tackle these emerging technologies, or will the lack of regulatory urgency keep them from engaging their customers in the digital space and force them to slip further behind? How will the speed of innovation effect pharma and what can today’s pharma marketers do to keep in front of the curve?
This enlightening session will share with you several first-hand stories of pharma companies and how emerging technologies and customer behavior are changing the face of their digital marketing efforts.
Wendy Blackburn, Executive Vice President
Jim Dayton, Senior Director, Emerging Media


12:10 p.m.
Lunch On Your Own -- But Not Alone!

Join a group of your colleagues for lunch with an informal discussion based on a social media for pharam topic. Take this opportunity to join others in a small, interactive group setting to network and brainstorm solutions to your most pressing social media for pharma concerns.


1:30 p.m.
Developing Strategic Partnerships To Educate Consumers And Engage Influencers In Social Media

When a topic is difficult to discuss or has a discreet audience, mass communications and marketing isn’t always the best route.  Influencers in social media – namely, Moms – have the interest and editorial flexibility to discuss health topics in a relevant and detailed manner.  Mom Central Consulting and HealthyWomen.org have developed a strategic partnership to develop sponsored educational health information that is promoted via word of mouth and social media directly to interested consumers. The power of the Mom consumer and her reach has paid off for clients on topics like periods, prematurity, baby meningitis, epilepsy and HPV testing.

Lessons you will learn and can take back with you, include:

  • What a strategic health partnership looks like
  • Strategies that satisfy a brand's objectives and are FDA-compliant
  • Tactics that educate and create engagement
  • Demographic targeting to reach the most relevant audience
  • Outcomes of recent sponsored campaigns
  • New insights and trends

Elizabeth Battaglino Cahill, RN, Executive Director

Michelle Sawatka-Fernandez, Senior Vice President


2:30 p.m.
Afternoon Refreshment & Networking Break

2:50 p.m.
The State Of Pharma Social Media: A Health Activist Perspective

Health activists are the new opinion leaders in the digital ecosystem of social media. This session will explore social media programs created and supported by pharmaceutical and healthcare companies, and the reactions of the community.

This panel of health activists will discuss some the best strategies within the conservative landscape of pharma marketing and how to execute social media programs that can support both active patient communities and brand objectives, including:

  • Provide examples of companies that are effectively participating in the social space
  • Call out social media programs that flopped with their communities - and why
  • Reveal the needs of today's most active online communities, and their leaders

Jack Barrette, CEO

Panelists Include:
Amy Gurowitz, MS Health Activist

Joel Nowak, Men’s Health and Cancer Activist

Heather Guidone, Women’s Health & Infertility Health Activist


3:40 p.m.
How Global Pharmaceutical Can Overcome Social Media Hurdles

"Hurdles are the curse of genius." Social media presents pharmaceutical companies with hurdles of all kinds, legal hurdles; privacy hurdles; cultural hurdles; behavioral hurdles.

In this session, you will learn how Merck overcame these hurdles by:

  • Ensuring global alignment to its mission
  • Facilitating connections
  • Developing a productive and engaged workforce
  • Building a “modern day water cooler”

Robert Maguire, Jr., Executive Director, SBS, Enterprise Portal & Support Services


4:30 p.m.
More "How To's" To Help You Get The Work Done:
An Interactive Discussion With Today’s Participants!

Need to dive deeper into specific topics?  Want more details?  Here’s your chance! Digest what you’ve learned and apply it to your own initiatives to get feedback and ideas for improvement.


5:00 p.m.
End Of Day One & Networking Reception: Please Join Us!

We invite you to join us for a drink as you relax with your peers. All conference attendees and speakers are welcome to join us for this special opportunity to continue networking. Don't miss this chance to benchmark new ideas over complimentary drinks!

6:30 p.m.
Dine Around

Sign up during the day for dinner with a group. Take advantage of Philadelphia’s fine dining while you continue to network with your colleagues.

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