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POST CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS: Friday, October 2, 2009
These workshops are designed to take your conference experience to the next level. Post-conference workshops allow you to take the information you gained from the general sessions, and identify and focus on your individual needs and applications. Make the most out of this conference by attending these highly interactive, hands-on sessions. Space is limited to ensure interactivity!

Choose C or D or BOTH for maximum value and learning

8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Continental breakfast will be provided at 8:00 a.m. for the morning workshop attendees.

Bad News Travels Fast: How To Develop A Web 2.0 Crisis Communications Plan

In today's wired world, there are two kinds of crises - those that are "digital first" (think Domino's or Amazon) and those that are "digital fueled" (think JetBlue or Maple Leaf Foods). You need to face the facts: any issue that could potentially damage your organization's reputation will have a digital component. The question is, is your crisis communications plan Web 2.0-ready? Are you prepared for a digital crisis?

In this engaging and informative workshop, you will be taken through the following key characteristics of a comprehensive digital crisis communications plan, including:
  • Guidelines for preparation - monitoring and early warning
  • When a crisis strikes: general response guidelines/timelines
  • Crisis scenario planning
  • Tactics by platform
In this engaging and informative workshop, you will be taken through the following key characteristics of a comprehensive digital crisis communications plan, including:
  1. What are the patterns and cycles of blog and Twitter "storms", and how can you best manage them?
  2. What is the difference between identifying and responding to "digital first" and "digital fueled"?
  3. You will have hours, not days, to craft your messaging and execute your plan - what do you need to have ready?
  4. It takes a team to deal with a full-blown social media crisis. Who do you need on your side, and what do they need to be able to do?

After attending this workshop, you will take away a complete checklist and outline of what you need to consider when crafting your organization's digital crisis plan, including best practices gathered from communications professionals at some of the world's largest and most digitally-savvy organizations.

WORKSHOP LEADER: Leona Hobbs is Director of Communications at Social Media Group (SMG) where she leads the influencer outreach group and provides social media and digital communications counsel to SMG clients. She has over a decade of experience in public relations and marketing. Most recently, Leona worked as Director of Marketing and Communications for Tucows, an Internet services company. A specialist in digital communications, Leona frequently speaks about Internet-powered communications to students and at conferences. An avid blogger, Leona contributes to OneDegree.ca, one of Canada's leading online publications about digital marketing, online communications and social media. She is an advisor to the Public Relations Program at Loyalist College.


11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Break/lunch on your own.

12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Practicing Social Media:
How To Develop And Implement An Effective Social Media Strategy To Achieve Your Goals

After hearing many case studies on how organizations are using social media, it is finally your turn to get hands-on training on how to use these tools. This workshop is designed to assist you in better understanding the techniques that would be applicable in achieving your goals.

In this workshop, we will discuss how to:
  • Establish a framework for the design, implementation and sustainment of social media projects in your workplace
  • Design several projects aimed at exploring how social media could be used to achieve specific goals, which will be developed during the workshop
  • Understand the role specific tools such as blogs, podcasts, and Facebook will play in achieving your goals

At the end of the workshop, you will be provided with a list of research tools that your team can use to conduct further self-study and or implementation.

WORKSHOP LEADERS: Patrick Mason is a Managing Partner and co-founder of SocialMedia404, a consulting services agency specializing in social media techniques and technologies. Patrick is currently engaged with several clients in the public and private sector in areas such as economic development, telecommunications, and health care.

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