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AGENDA - DAY 1: Wednesday, September 30, 2009

8:00 a.m.
Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m.
Chairperson's Welcome & Opening Remarks

Joseph Thornley, CEO


8:45 a.m.
Finding Your Online Voice: How To Shape Your Organization's Identity When Using A Variety Of Social Media Tools

As your organization experiments with social media, have you noticed how content, tone and personality varies from one new tool to another? Clearly, tools like Twitter, Facebook, and others can have a distinctive style, vernacular, even lexicon.

Can your often conventional and inflexible organizational communications be adapted to echo these conditions? Is it easy or hard for your organization to engage with citizens, using a new tool, at a new speed, in a new voice?

And how can you assess the tone of messages you are receiving? How can you interpret the attitude of the messengers?

In this session, you will learn from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on how Canadians are shaping their identities to suit the new tools they are adopting, and how your organization can do the same.

Colin McKay, Privacy Commissioner


9:35 a.m.
Break-Out Blitz!
Network And Discuss Social Media Challenges With Your Fellow Conference Attendees

This session will open the conversation by connecting you with other conference participants and gain greater understanding into many similar issues, concerns, and challenges that your peers are also facing. Become acquainted with your fellow conference attendees in this fun and fast-paced forum!

10:10 a.m.
Morning Refreshment & Networking Break

10:40 a.m.
Putting The Social In Social Media:
How To Engage Your Employees Before You Engage The Public To Drive Innovation And Increase Productivity

Social media is one of the latest trends in communications inside Government, but getting into the game before knowing the rules can be costly, or even embarrassing. This session will help you understand the importance of learning how to run behind the firewall, before walking outside it.

In this session, you will learn:
  • Why traditional hierarchies are obstacles to engagement and innovation
  • How these new communication tools are tearing down silos faster then ever
  • How to engage yourself, your employees and your colleagues in a new conversation to maximize effectiveness
  • How, with the right tools, these conversations can lead to user-driven innovation, increased productivity and better retention

Learn from the experiences of a public servant who can help you and your organization understand the big picture implications of new social media tools.

Nicholas Charney, Project Manager, Federal Relations and Issues Management


11:30 a.m.
How To Develop A Collaborative Network Within A Hierarchical Environment: Steps And Strategies To Get Your Own Social Media Project Off The Ground

The aim of the Canadian Forces Aerospace Warfare Center (CFAWC) is to be recognized as the Canadian Centre of Excellence for Aerospace Power by acting as a catalyst for Aerospace Power development and as a steward for Aerospace Power knowledge.

The present network system that supports the CFAWC activities was originally designed as an administrative network to facilitate email and basic Web 1.0. The network was never envisioned to be a collaborative or knowledge management tool that the CFAWC now requires to conduct its assigned role.

This has caused the CFAWC to develop a very linear knowledge capture system centered on small teams. There has been no exploitation of the power of social media or understanding of the collaborative culture that underpins Web 2.0 and social media. To achieve this fundamental shift in work, the CFAWC needed to start with a blank sheet of paper and discard their preconceived notions of hierarchical information flow.

The CFAWC will foster collaboration, speed up the retrieval of knowledge and simplify the process of recording information while encouraging conversations and social networking. This presentation will detail the path to change with the CFAWC, from being 'knowledge scribes to knowledge herders.'

Specifically, this session will help your organization:
  • Seed the desire to setup a collaborative knowledge network
  • Outline the steps and strategies taken to convince senior leaders
  • Find a project that can be used to trial social media tools
  • Resolve problems with implementing new procedures into a heavy-tasked and workforce-challenged organization
  • Shape and manage expectations (the instant success expectation)
  • Understand cultural impediments and develop strategies to combat the resistance to social media that exists within your organization

Ralph Mercer, Canadian Forces Aerospace Warfare Center Chief Warrant Officer


12:20 p.m.
Lunch On Your Own -- But Not Alone!

Join a group of your colleagues for lunch with an informal discussion facilitated by one of our expert speakers. Take this opportunity to connect with others in a small, interactive group setting to network and brainstorm solutions to your most pressing social media for government concerns.

1:50 p.m.
How To Use Online Communities Of Practice To Leverage Your Organization's Knowledge Sharing, Efficiency And Collaboration Efforts

Using cutting-edge social media technologies, the Centre of Expertise in Communities of Practice at the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) is implementing online Communities of Practice (CoPs) for public servants across Canada.

In this session, you will see how communities of practice can leverage your organizational knowledge sharing, help you work more effectively, as well as increase collaboration and flexibility in the specific context of the public service.

Specifically, you will learn:
  • What a Community of Practice (CoP) is and how it can be used
  • A strategic advantage: the value of using a CoP
  • How to make a CoP work: lessons learned
  • How to nurture a culture of learning in the context of public service
  • The importance of having an evaluation strategy

You will leave this session with a greater understanding of using social media for internal communications for learning and exchanging knowledge within your organization.

Jean-Simon Marquis, M.A.
Senior Learning Advisor, Centre of Expertise in Communities of Practice


2:40 p.m.
Using Social Media And Web 2.0 Technologies To Increase Organizational Knowledge And Collaboration Across A Geographically Dispersed Organization

The Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada (DFAIT) exists to support Canada's foreign policy, to strengthen rules-based trading arrangements and to expand free and fair market access for Canadians and to work with a range of partners to increase economic opportunity and enhance security for Canadians at home and abroad. To successfully achieve these goals requires the coordination of over 260 consular offices and over 12,000 employees who work in a wide range of time zones. Collaboration is the key to progressing with these goals but possesses a challenge in this complex, geographically dispersed organization. Therefore the Department turned to Web 2.0 collaboration tools such as a wiki and social networking.

In this session, you will learn:
  • About the Web 2.0 options that existed for DFAIT including the wiki and social networking package and why they choose specific tools
  • The policy implications of implementing the Web 2.0 functionality
  • How DFAIT is using a wiki and social networking to build organizational knowledge
  • What performance measurements are in place to track ROI for the 2 tools

Chantal Wolf, Project Manager, Connections, Corporate Information Systems Division (AIA)

Jennifer Savage, President

3:30 p.m.
Afternoon Refreshment & Networking Break


3:45 p.m.
Developing And Implementing A Social Media Strategy – Including Participation In Third-Party Online Discussions With Citizens And Organizations

Canada Student Loans, within Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC), is among the first government programs to "colonize", that is, participate in external blogs and online discussion forums hosted by citizens and organizations. The program's communications team has designed and pioneered an effective "inject, correct & direct" approach to get into blogs and forums, address erroneous posts, and steer people to authoritative government websites.

As part of a social media strategy, the team developed and implemented a strategic road map for "corrective blogging" as well as Web 2.0 videos, and will share how:
  • Business drivers must precede the adoption of any Web 2.0 tools
  • Efforts must revolve around the problem that social media will solve, not the technology
  • Making friends - near and far - is critical to success
  • Following an approvals process is laborious but necessary
  • A set of metrics is essential to determine whether success is attained

You will leave with a greater understanding of how to develop your agency’s social media rationale, risk assessment, rules of engagement, and evaluation metrics.

Adrian Cloete, Manager, Learning Communications

Tracie Noftle, Director, Learning Communications


4:35 p.m.
Close Of Day One

4:45 p.m.
Networking Reception: Please Join Us!

We invite you to join us for a drink as you relax with your peers. All conference attendees and speakers are welcome to join us for this special opportunity to continue networking. Don't miss this chance to benchmark new ideas over complimentary drinks!

6:30 p.m.
Dine Around

Sign up during the day for dinner with a group. Take advantage of Ottawa's fine dining while you continue to network with your colleagues.

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