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agenda - Day 1: Tuesday, September 16, 2008

8:00 a.m.
Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m.
Chairperson's Welcome & Opening Remarks

Bob LeDrew, Senior Consultant


8:45 a.m.
Getting Your Agency Started And Excited About Using Social Media: Advantages And Strategies

Nothing touches people more than the issue of health. We all have a vested interest in keeping ourselves, our communities and the world a healthier place to live. The Internet has provided us access to a vast array of health information to help us do so. The advent of social media has provided immense potential for greater participation in an extensive variety of online health conversations. It has changed the way people find health information, how that information influences opinions, how that information is shared and, how it can affect their behaviour. Each day thousands of health related conversations are taking place online, and the Public Health Agency of Canada, recognizing these trends, has been working to build an ability to engage in these interactions.

Formed to ensure a capacity for Canada's public health system to anticipate and respond effectively to public health threats, the Agency’s mandate is to promote and protect the health of Canadians. The Public Health Agency will share their approach, experiences and challenges in introducing Social Media and Web 2.0 technologies in a public sector institution. The lessons learned are valuable for any public or private organisation of any size.

Starting with the Agency's vision toward their online presence, you will learn strategies, tactics and ideas for:
  • Influencing the internal culture toward new media concepts and Web 2.0 technologies
  • Introducing and integrating social media in your organisation
  • Using evidence-based research to fashion strategic web communication direction
  • Establishing web governance, policy and operating protocols
  • Reprioritizing human and financial resources to incorporate social media
  • Developing capacity and procedures that facilitate use of social and new media
  • Monitoring and assessing success

Mark Hudson, Senior Communications Executive

Marquis Côté
Senior eCommunications Advisor, PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY OF CANADA
Partner & Web Strategist, DIGITALOTTAWA


9:35 a.m.
Speed Networking

Become acquainted with your fellow conference attendees in this fun and fast-paced forum! You'll have a chance to meet and greet your colleagues.

10:05 a.m.
Morning Refreshment & Networking Break

10:35 a.m.
Using Social Media To Attract And Engage The Public

Toronto's Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) is Canada's largest museum with internationally significant collections relating to its dual mandate of world cultures and natural history. It is also one of the country’s oldest arts and science institutions and, like most non-profit cultural agencies, it has relied on its galleries, exhibitions and programming to drive attendance and revenues. But in an increasingly competitive and rapidly changing world, it has recently had to reinvent itself.

Today ROM posts regular videos to YouTube, produces monthly podcasts, hosts a community on Facebook, holds blogger previews for exhibitions and uses other social media tools to build audience and attract new visitors. As the Internet has evolved to Web 2.0, so too has the nature of how established organisations like ROM must engage the public and ultimately build new audiences - Audience 2.0. It is people, not technology, that are at the heart of the social media revolution and ROM is learning to tap existing platforms and communities to reach this new audience.

In this session, you will walk away with the answers to these important questions:
  • What are the lessons from ROM for other government agencies, and particularly non-profits, in developing a social media communications plan?
  • When does an organisation risk losing its authority over its content and assets to the wider public voice and scrutiny of Web 2.0?
  • What implications does it have in organisations for the people who produce Web content on a daily basis?
  • How do we prepare for the next wave of innovation on the web?

Attend this session and learn how your organisation can tap into existing platforms and communities to reach potential customers.

Brian Porter, Senior Director, New Media Resources

Tony Hushion, ROM Vice-President Exhibits, Programs and New Media Resources


11:25 a.m.
Increasing The Visibility Of Your Communications Campaigns Using Social Media And Evaluating the Effectiveness Of These Efforts

For-profit companies have been using Web 2.0 technologies for some time while public sector has been slow to adopt the technologies. There is increasing evidence that these technologies can be used for public sector work.

This case study will analyze the use of influencers to mobilize people online and link to groups or individuals who have similar interests, and explore the use of social networking sites such as MySpace and YouTube, and how the creation of a Web Ambassador Program is possible. This translates the traditional community mobilization model from the offline world to the online and can provide great opportunity for expansion and viral marketing of social marketing messages.

During this session, you will hear the details behind the Web Ambassador Program used at the Academy For Educational Development, including how this program enabled them to:
  • Identify appropriate online social networks in order to reach campaign target audiences
  • Develop these social networks as part of a communication campaign
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of social network/media on public health communication campaigns
At the end of this session, you will be able to:
  1. Identify the basic concepts of social media
  2. Propose concrete online strategies and tools that can be implemented for your organisation
  3. Describe ways to evaluate these media tools to your stakeholders

You will learn how to reap the benefits of social media including increased visibility of campaign messages, the identification of key influencers, and the development of champions that own the issue and can maintain momentum long after project work has stopped.

Amelia Burke, MA, eMarketing and Public Relations Specialist

12:15 p.m.
Lunch On Your Own -- But Not Alone!

Join a group of your colleagues for lunch with an informal discussion facilitated by one of our expert speakers. Take this opportunity to connect with others in a small, interactive group setting to network and brainstorm solutions to your most pressing social media for government concerns.

1:45 p.m.
How To Increase Engagement In Your Programs And Reach Your Customers More Effectively By Using The Latest Web 2.0 Technologies

The Royal Canadian Mint is a dynamic, market-driven organisation that specializes in the production and distribution of coins for Canada and the world, investment gold products (bullion) and refinery. It is a for-profit Crown Corporation and its shareholder is the Government of Canada.

The Mint engages in various promotional activities for the production, promotion and distribution of its circulation coins. In the last few years, the Mint has consistently and aggressively used the web as a medium to reach their consumers, get their feedback and have them engaged in their programs.

Over the years, the Mint has implemented various Web 2.0 technologies (e.g. voting programs for coin designs, online auctions, e-cards, Facebook) to reach out to our customer base. Through that approach, the Mint has overcome many challenges, including:
  • Customers' resistance to the web as a medium
  • Lack of familiarity with social media tools
  • Acceptance of the open Brand concept

You will learn how to better utilize the web and its resources to reach your customers effectively and efficiently and will leave with tools and ideas to increase involvement and engagement in your programs.

Vessela Zaykova, Director of Marketing

2:35 p.m.
Afternoon Refreshment & Networking Break

2:50 p.m.
How Blogs And Wikis Can Build Your Online Community And Achieve Active Participation In Your Government Initiatives

Wikis, blogs and other social media are being implemented more regularly to support online communities. Whether they are on departmental intranets, inter-jurisdictional portals or part of Government of Canada outreach programs, social media tools are helping Canadians become active participants in government initiatives.

In this session, you will learn about the journey that the Canadian Trucking Human Resources Council took to implement social media tools to support their human resources mandate. You will walk away with tips, tools and techniques that will include:
  • Exploring the various social media options available for building communities
  • Developing social media strategies for creating online communities
  • Monitoring social media areas of a website
  • Determining the return on investment of incorporating social media into your programs

Joshua Rose, Manager of Projects

Jennifer Savage, President


3:40 p.m.
Membership Has Its Privileges:How to Integrate Social Media to Share Knowledge and Drive Innovation

A Community of Practice is, "The process of social learning that occurs when people who have a common interest in some subject or problem collaborate over an extended period to share ideas, find solutions, and build innovations." - Wikipedia

Using cutting-edge social media technologies, the Centre of Expertise in Communities of Practice at the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) is building virtual Communities of Practice (CoPs) for Public Servants across Canada.

In this session, you will learn how the Centre is exploiting innovative technologies to help Public Servants learn, transfer knowledge, innovate, network and solve work-related problems together. More importantly, you will find out how virtual CoPs are situated within the strategic context of Public Service Renewal and how you can help your department maximize the potential of CoPs to:
  • Attract and retain new Public Servants
  • Integrate technology into existing leadership and development programs
  • Motivate and improve performance
  • Provide access to expert knowledge
  • Share best practices
  • Network with Public Servants across the country
  • Create a culture of learning
  • Develop innovative solutions to solve work-related challenges

Traditional forms of training and professional development can no longer respond to the challenges we face in today’s complex and changing work environments. Virtual CoPs is one approach that is quickly spreading across the Public Service.

Did you know that:
  • 55 virtual CoPs have been developed by the Centre of Expertise in Communities of Practice?
  • Almost 2000 Public Servants are already connected?
  • Over 24,000 learning objects are being shared?
  • Service Canada, Public Service Commission of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada, Justice Canada, Canadian Human Rights Commission and Department of Canadian Heritage are already on board?

Join in on the social media revolution and learn how your agency can also tap into what other organisations have already discovered.

Hope Seidman, Ph.D., Supervisor, Research & Development

Thomas Kearney, Senior Director, Alignment and Interoperability Division, Chief Information Officerís Branch


4:30 p.m.
How To Leverage Web 2.0 Technologies To Improve Your Employee Communications

The vision and strategy at Canada Post is to be the world leader in providing innovative physical and electronic delivery solutions, creating value for their customers, employees and all Canadians. This session will give you insight into how they are approaching this vision from an Employee Communications stand point.

In this session, you will hear and learn:
  • How some of the hot emerging trends and technologies in the Web 2.0 world will aid Canada Post in delivering their key messages to employees in a more efficient manner
  • The benefits of these trends and Web 2.0 technologies to their overall internal communications strategy
  • How to begin integrating and using new social media technologies along with traditional media
  • Measuring the value of social media tools to your employees and organization
Learn from the experiences at Canada Post how you, too, can leverage new Web 2.0 technologies to improve employee communications as well as support your organization's mission and overall efforts to drive change and achieve results.

Brian J. Beehler, Manager, Intrapost Operations and Design - Employee Communications


5:20 p.m.
Close Of Day One

5:30 p.m.
Networking Reception: Please Join Us!

We invite you to join us for a drink as you relax with your peers. All conference attendees and speakers are welcome to join us for this special opportunity to continue networking. Don't miss this chance to benchmark new ideas over complimentary drinks!

6:30 p.m.
Dine Around

Sign up during the day for dinner with a group. Take advantage of Ottawa's fine dining while you continue to network with your colleagues.

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