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Another Battle Over Workplace Email

Written by David Grossman, New Yorkers would get a break from after-hours work emails under a bill introduced this month by a New York City Councilman. According to The New York Times, the proposed “Right to Disconnect” bill would ban private companies with more than 10 employees from requiring workers to respond to electronic

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Company Culture: How to Tell if You Have It

How can an employer tell if their office has a healthy and happy company culture? We’ve got some ideas. People want to work there. You are constantly receiving LinkedIn messages and emails asking about open positions. Word travels fast. Your current employees are your best recruiters. Your employees are happy. Look around. Do people seem

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Leadership: 6 Clues It’s Time to Adopt a Strategic Messaging Platform

To be best-in-class we must think about standard operating procedures. That’s one of the commonalities we see with our clients who are taking a lead globally in the communications arena. The best place to start is to have a common messaging methodology, which allows staff to be more efficient and deliver a better work product.

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 2/3 of Organizations Now Use New Internal Communications Technologies

A new study released at the Engage16 annual workforce communications conference last week revealed that 2 out of 3 corporations are investing in employee communications technology. What took them so long? Every CIO and internal communications professional we speak with complain that getting employees to read internal communications has been extremely difficult for a number of years. Studies

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