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8 Reasons Why Internal Communication Is Even More Important in 2018

Written by Robert Grover, Each new year sees the publication of countless lists and blogs featuring instructions and magic formulas which business communicators are implored to adopt lest they lose the ear of their internal audience. But commonsense advice doesn’t change with the calendar. When it comes to internal communication in today’s workplace, what

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Real Ways Your Organization Can Make The Most of Facebook’s Algorithm Change

Written by Ally Sherman, Chief. Facebook has been in the news for some problematic issues. Recent scandals around “fake news” and the misuse of data have many wondering about the platform’s credibility and asking what impact this has on, well, everyone. Despite this, Facebook remains one of the biggest players in the social media game

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Don’t Skip This Blog Post and Other Obnoxious Subject Lines: They Work!

With CHIEF being right here in the heart of DC, of course we’re always thinking about politics. While we are strictly a non-partisan shop, that doesn’t mean we can’t learn things from the “industry” of our city. And as a former political staffer, this is a topic near and dear to my heart. Let’s go on a

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Q&A: How to Build a Business Case for a New Workforce Communications Platform?

Written by Gregg Apirian, Your employees make or break your business. They’re at the front line, representing your brand, taking care of customers, and making your products. And yet as company leadership is trying to deal with disengaged employees and high attrition rates, HR and communications budgets are not keeping up with the pace.

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The 4 Pillar Digital Workplace Plan

Written by Jeff Ables, CEO, C5insight In today’s world, your digital workplace may be more important than your physical workplace.  No one would consider moving into a building that is missing walls or that has a cracked foundation.  But we make this mistake in the digital world all the time. Investing in digital workplace solutions,

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How Do We Communicate in the Age of Distraction

Written by Greg Shove, Today, we consume information and entertainment at lightning speed. We’re hooked on snackable media like YouTube, Instagram, and our favorite news apps. And while this is happening, more, and more workers are remote and disconnected from corporate headquarters. How do we communicate in this world of new expectations and low

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5 Internal Communications Myths Debunked

Written by Charong Chow, It’s not your imagination – reaching your employees is hard. In our Technology Gap Survey, communicators reported that 71% of employees don’t read email and other content, 36% said employees were unhappy with the format in which most content is delivered, and some were at a total loss knowing where

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Top 11 Attributes of Leaders Who Excel at Communication and How We Define Them

Written by David Grossman, We’re often asked what qualities the most effective leaders have when it comes to communicating effectively. Through our quantitative research of more than 750,000 leaders and employees inside some of the world’s leading organizations, and in the many focus groups we conduct every year, we’ve identified 11 attributes that matter

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The Four Questions Leaders Must Answer During Any Change

Written by David Grossman, Chances are you’re working today on a change that affects your team. How you implement that change will impact whether you meet your overall goals. Here’s the mistake leaders can’t help but make: they wait to communicate. Until they have more information. Until they have “all the answers.” Until it’s

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