
What Healthcare Marketers Need to Know About Millennials

By Anne Carrie, Gravity Digital. According to the US Census Bureau, Millennials (ages 18-34) are now the nation’s largest generation, having surpassed the baby boomers (51-69). This so-called “drive-thru” generation has grown up using smartphones, going to Starbucks, and ordering Netflix from their Ipads. It is the age of on-demand, and there is the expectation

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Disrupting the Function of IC – A Global Perspective

Disrupting the Function of IC – A Global Perspective 

By Lise Michaud, Founder of IC Kollectif The internal communication profession faces turbulent times and the role of IC practitioners may well be at a turning point. Caught between multiple increasing challenges brought about by the impact of technology, the convergence and integration of communication disciplines and over-riding agendas like employee engagement and advocacy, the

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Collaborating For a Better Constituent Experience

By Francesca El-Attrash, Granicus Blog. Collaboration is a common theme in government today because it can increase employee productivity, improve communication, enhance resource sharing and even cut costs. But in a drive to achieve these results, many collaboration projects forget the ultimate objective of government: serving citizens. Too often, collaboration efforts improve internal operations while

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Is employee happiness the key to a better customer experience?

Is employee happiness the key to a better customer experience?

Written by StaffConnect founder and CEO, Bulent Osman The recent article from Lord Price Employee happiness is the key to a fairer and more prosperous society refers to the “John Lewis happiness principle” and has got me thinking about the connection between employee happiness and the impact it has on the customer journey. We all know that

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workplace facebook

Three Simple Tips to Transform Internal Communications

By Cathy Yum, Workplace by Facebook. Workplace makes it easy to share news and updates across your organization and get people to engage in meaningful ways. Try these internal communication best practices that have proven useful for many Workplace communities. Build company culture Live video is a personal and authentic way for your leaders to

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mobile workforce

Case Study: Communicating with a Mobile Workforce

By Paul Barton, ABC, Principal Consultant, Paul Barton Communications, LLC. How do you communicate with employees in the field? That’s been the million-dollar question for many years for internal communication professionals. But advances in mobile technology are making this challenge a thing of the past. Charlie Gilbert One company that has embraced mobile communication technology

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Top 10 KEY insights from the 7th Intranet & Digital Workplace Summit

By Gregg Apirian, Managing Director, Vignette. What A Great 3 Days! We recently had the honor of chairing the ALI 7th Annual Intranet & Digital Workplace Summit in San Francisco. It was great to meet all the attendees, but even greater to have walked away knowing that everyone thought the three days we spent together were

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internal communications government

Want Engagement? Help Employees Find Their Voice

By Richard Regan, GovLoop. The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development defines employee voice as the means by which employees communicate their views on employment and organizational matters to their leadership. It is the most direct and effective way to ensure the grassroots part of the organization has just as must say in the organization

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