Posts By: Erin Sherwood

Has Your Governance Gone Too Far?

How many of you read that headline quickly and thought it said, “Has Your Government Gone Too Far?” I was afraid of that when I was writing this post, as it seems like politics is on everyone’s mind these days. But this article isn’t about government, though it is about rules, and more importantly, rules

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Brillance@Work – What Does Your Internal Brand Achieve?

Written by: Peggy Bieniek,ABC, Starry Blue Brilliance Many organizations don’t realize what they can achieve through their own employee advocates. They are missing out on increased brand awareness and employee and customer satisfaction. In “How to Turn Your Employees into Your Biggest Advocates,” Amanda Grinavich states that “employees’ passion about where they work and what they

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Brilliance@Work – Using Video To Engage And Educate Employees On Your Brand

Written by: Peggy Bieniek,ABC, Starry Blue Brilliance “Your brand is the single most important investment you can make in your business.” – Steve Forbes, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, Forbes Media In my profile of Joe Pantigoso, Senior Director, Global Brand, SAP, he explained that “if everyone knows the ‘what’ we do every day (our mission) and

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Brilliance@Work — How To Use Mobile To Transform Your Company Culture

Written by: Peggy Bieniek,ABC, Starry Blue Brilliance  Collaboration is what ties culture and best practices together. Mobile is a best practice for employee and customer communication, but in “Infographic: Why Every Organization Should be Using Mobile,” Text Marketer reports that “unbelievably, there are still some people out there who still think mobile is a fad and

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Internal communications that employees actually want

The impact of technology on human social skills: a communicator’s challenge

The nature of work changes with advances. Some people get that change and others don’t. Those who don’t get left behind. Geoff Colvin explains this in his recent book Humans are Underrated. He also talks about what skills will be most important in the future work environment: “…employers’ top priorities include relationship building, teaming, co-creativity,

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Are you a strategic communication professional? Fill out the impact matrix to find out.

Are you a strategic communication professional? Fill out the impact matrix to find out.

Written by: Priya Bates, ABC, MC, CMP, President, Inner Strength Communication Inc. “Communication professionals want more respect and have been talking about getting their rightful seat at the (decision-making) table for most of my career. Over 20 years as an Internal Communication professional, I’ve learned that you don’t automatically get the seat, you have to

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SharePoint collaboration and governance through the Colvin lens

SharePoint was originally created as a collaboration tool. It wasn’t intended to be a content management system, or a social media tool. These elements came later. SharePoint – along with it’s related Microsoft tools – is in a constant state of evolution; especially lately.   How organizations use SharePoint for collaboration also has evolved as

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