health care marketing

How Can Healthcare Facilities Cut Policy Management Costs?

Healthcare facilities have to meet their management objectives, customer expectations, industry standards and government regulations. Regardless of the goals, they want to have comprehensive policies and procedures that will be accessible to their employees. But is it possible to keep policies in check and keep management costs to a minimum? There are three main things

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The Roadmap: How to Start and Plan a Digital Marketing Strategy

Written by Matt Brannon, Gravity Digital. Many businesses are missing out on new customers because they are intimidated or confused about digital marketing strategy. It’s true, with a million tools, channels and tactics that change almost daily, it can be hard to know where to spend your time, money, and energy. If your business does

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blog health care

6 Most Common Healthcare Content Marketing Problems – Solved!

By MedTouch. Content Marketing Content marketing can build healthcare brand awareness, increase patient acquisition, and drive ROI. So why isn’t everyone doing it? Frankly, there are many barriers to overcome, and doing so takes extra time and effort. We’ve been helping healthcare clients share their stories for more than a decade. In that time, we’ve

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What Healthcare Marketers Need to Know About Millennials

By Anne Carrie, Gravity Digital. According to the US Census Bureau, Millennials (ages 18-34) are now the nation’s largest generation, having surpassed the baby boomers (51-69). This so-called “drive-thru” generation has grown up using smartphones, going to Starbucks, and ordering Netflix from their Ipads. It is the age of on-demand, and there is the expectation

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health care social media

Social Media Best Practices for Healthcare Marketing

Written by Casey O’Quinn, originally published on November 28, 2016, Gravity Digital’s blog. We’re discussing social media best practices for healthcare marketing. Specifically, B2B (Business to Business) companies that provide products and services to providers. There is a common misconception that social media isn’t a place for B2B, but it’s simply not true. In conversations

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