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AGENDA - Day 2: Wednesday, March 3, 2010

7:30 a.m.
Continental Breakfast & Networking

8:00 a.m.
Chairperson's Opening Of Day Two

Joseph Thornley, CEO


8:15 a.m.
Strategy Before Tactics: The Importance Of Creating A Social Media Marketing Plan To Ensure Delivery Of Your Social Media Objectives

Now that the terms "social media" and "Web 2.0" seem to be on everyone's radar, some government departments are jumping into various platforms without any concrete strategy and/or objectives.

Going through the social media marketing planning process forces organizations to think critically beforehand so as to reduce unwanted surprises and deliver on their social media engagement objectives.

In this session, you will learn from Public Safety Canada's experiences and apply their lessons to your own organization, on how to:
  • Listen and filter through the noise using the latest social media monitoring tools
  • Define key issues, set measurable objectives, choose a target audience and select relevant tools
  • Begin preliminary participation (e.g. developing multimedia content for online dissemination, contacting influencers)
  • Develop a basic social media performance measurement framework

Theresa Woolridge, Communications Officer, Marketing + Outreach

Mike Kujawski, Marketing and Social Media Strategist


9:00 a.m.
Socially Acceptable: Expanding Your Social Media Network While Staying Within Your Agency's Guidelines, Standards, And Policy Requirements

Parks Canada is a Federal government agency that manages Canada’s 42 national parks and over 160 national historic sites, each staffed locally with teams that have a robust interest in reaching the public using innovative means. The national New Media Strategies and Investment team (NMSI) is charged with facilitating the use of new technologies, including social media platforms, by staff at its parks and sites across its network in ways that respect Government of Canada policy requirements and promote the Agency's brand.

Staff from Parks Canada's NMSI Team will discuss the challenges and opportunities they have faced developing a framework for social media use that capitalizes on the interest in social media from within the Agency while respecting national priorities and policy. They will discuss initiatives undertaken to better understand the pre-existing conversation around Parks Canada in the social media sphere, and how that understanding and stakeholder consultation has influenced their approach to entering the world of social media. They will also review an approach where their team consolidates a full policy, operational and risk assessment analysis, with options for mitigation and compliance, into one document that can be easily reviewed by management, legal counsel and privacy and policy specialists.

This session will address how this approach has been incredibly useful for Parks Canada and how your agency can also learn from their efforts, including, how to:
  • Build a common understanding and acceptance of the use of social media
  • Launch video-sharing channels on YouTube, MySpace and Yahoo to reach your audiences and build your brand
  • Establish standards, guidelines and tools to support the adoption of these channels across your network of internal and external audiences

A similar approach is planned for a range of social media platforms including microblogging and online consultation.

Morag Hutcheson, Manager, New Media Strategies and Investment

Michael White, Senior Research Analyst, New Media Strategies and Investment

9:45 a.m.
Morning Refreshment & Networking Break

10:10 a.m.
Fostering Collaboration And Increasing Performance Both Inside And Outside Your Organization Using Communities And Social Networking

Many agencies are looking to increase performance by transcending the silos of their organizations, whether it be employees collaborating across departments or projects that wouldn’t normally connect, or reaching out to external partner agencies or consultants. From the experiences of Business Development Canada, Northern Lights Canada, Health Canada, and the U.S. Department of Defense, this panel session will explore successful strategies to make it happen.

Get practical advice and ideas from our panel of experts, including how to:
  • Identify projects that lend themselves to communities and social networking
  • Discover best practices for getting initiatives off the ground and
    addressing common mistakes
  • Think about ROI and what you should be tracking in terms of performance metrics

Andrew Chambers, Technology Director

Michael Mahon, Director, Corporate Development

Eric Sauve, CEO and Co-founder


10:55 a.m.
Strategies For Success Using Social Media
On Both Sides Of The Firewall

Marketing Canada as a desirable travel destination is a key mandate of the Canadian Tourism Commission (CTC) and the organization is an expert at leveraging all the assets at its disposal. The CTC uses a variety of social media tools to engage with both prospective tourists and the Canadian tourism industry more broadly. In this session, CTC will share lessons learned in the use of social media for marketing purposes. Drawing on its experience with public Internet tools, the CTC is now experimenting with social networking as a way to transform business processes within the enterprise.

This session will:
  • Showcase effective communications campaigns using social media
  • Demonstrate effective integration of Twitter and Facebook
    with enterprise collaboration tools
  • Explore the potential of increased employee engagement and
    improved access to knowledge in your organization

Peter Mills, Executive Director, Information Technology

11:40 a.m.
Lunch On Your Own -- But Not Alone!

Join a group of your colleagues for lunch with an informal discussion facilitated by one of our expert speakers. Take this opportunity to connect with others in a small, interactive group setting to network and brainstorm solutions to your most pressing social media concerns.

1:10 p.m.
Group Exercise – Let's Communicate And Collaborate!

You asked for it, you got it! Interact and discuss how to implement the latest technology tools to assist you in meeting your social media challenges with your fellow attendees and our experienced speakers. You will leave with new tools and ideas for more successfully applying best practices to your own Web 2.0 initiatives.


1:50 p.m.
Beyond Twitter: Implementing Social Networking Into The Enterprise To Create A More Agile And Responsive Organization

Social networking sites have fast become a new form of communication in our daily lives, supplanting traditional tools like e-mail, but there’s more to social networking than Twitter and Facebook, wikis and blogs. The use of social networking practices in the enterprise is exciting and the potential is enormous.

The Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) is weaving social networking tools and principles into the fabric of their organization by integrating them directly into program delivery business processes. This integration is enabling ACOA to replace expensive, rigid information systems with solutions that are more agile and adaptable, more responsive to the natural flow of information, and better able to evolve with the needs of the communities they serve.

In this session, you will discover how:
  • ACOA is using social networking tools, techniques and practices in place of traditional IT solutions, and how your agency can do the same
  • This practice helped ACOA develop an innovative, new approach to program delivery for stimulus funding under Canada's Economic Action Plan
  • ACOA is working with Library and Archives Canada to ensure social networking practices comply with government policy instruments, and how your agency can also comply to the Government’s policy standards
  • Social networking is replacing shared drives and email as the primary means of managing documents
  • Social networking is now strategically incorporated into ACOA's Departmental Action Plan and how your agency can also securely interact with citizens

Ronald Surette, Chief Information Officer

2:35 p.m.
Afternoon Refreshment & Networking Break

2:50 p.m.
Rolling Out New Practices Of Web Analytics For A New Wave Of Social Media

Historically, web analytics used standard quantitative measures to determine basic information about their users; impressions, hits, and page views constituted the norm of metrics on the web for some time. This approach satisfied the needs of your everyday, transaction-oriented site, helping to define marketing principles and turn the web into a viable business channel.

In our world of Web 2.0 and its applications for government, the question now becomes how can we apply this metrics base to a new wave of social media? What are the methods, tools, and organizational challenges that this depth of analysis requires?

This presentation will wade through the reality of web analytics, and look at how when applied to social media they can present some formidable challenges and some invaluable rewards.

A common operational question around any kind of media (traditional, electronic, social, or otherwise) when used by any organization is whether or not it is inward or external facing. This presentation will ask the question: Why not both? So often organizations, government and otherwise, roll out new practices internally so they can get a feel for the process. This presentation will use examples from the City of Ottawa and other government bodies to illustrate this approach, while demonstrating how web analytics keep pace in assisting and maintaining these evolving social media functions. It will also touch on how, when applied internally, these analytics can act as a good proving ground for the external environment.

In this presentation, we will discuss:
  • The process of scanning the analytics environment to determine what it is that we want to measure and why
  • Implementing social media measurement best practices into your organization in order to capture 'true business intelligence' from web analytics
  • Setting and maintaining objectives concerning the practical application of these web analytics, and how they augment the organization's social media strategy
  • Looking at the quality of user relationships, their experiences with social media, and the level of engagement and content creation with this media
  • Measuring these relationships with the right tools in the right way in order to deliver a superior service that is in line with our analytics objectives
  • The importance of continual improvement and long-term planning in social media in order to support meaningful web analytics

After this presentation you should be able to walk away with a better understanding of how analytics turn anonymous users/subscribers into valuable customers. And how as government organizations we can help people and provide them with superior services.

Caley Adair, Research Assistant, E-Media, Communications and Customer Services


3:35 p.m.
Twitter, Facebook, Blogs And Wikis: How To Use The Newest Social Media Tools To Foster Innovation And Drive Change In A Large Organization

Hear how the Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) implemented social media strategies in their large organization. Specifically, you will learn how RBC has, in the past and present, used various social media technologies to build communities, both internally and externally, and used ideas from the public. Through these technologies, you will learn how they have driven internal innovation and internal sourcing of subject matter expertise to create external changes.

You will also gain an understanding of why this change in communications and hierarchy is so important to the changing nature of employees and the organization's demographics.

In this session, you will hear how to overcome the challenges of implementing tools,
such as:
  • Twitter, Facebook, blogs, wikis,
  • Niche tools such as Yammer, Laconica
  • Internal facing applications

Finally, you will learn how all these tools can allow your organization to turn information into knowledge with the right resources at the right time.

Tim Yull, Manager of Applied Innovation

Michel Savoie, Manager of Client Strategy


4:20 p.m.
Chairperson's Recap:
Key Takeaways And What To Do When You Get Back To The Office

As a group, we'll recap the highlights and share key insights from the past two days.

Joseph Thornley, CEO

4:30 p.m.
Close Of General Sessions
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