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PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOPS: Monday, August 2, 2010

Jump-start your conference experience by attending the pre-conference interactive workshops. These information-packed sessions are a great opportunity to network with fellow attendees while taking a hands-on, common-sense approach to mastering strategic internal communications that will enhance your understanding of the informative, case study presentations throughout the entire conference.

Choose A or B or BOTH for Maximum Value & Learning

9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

Registration and continental breakfast will begin at 8:30 a.m.
for the morning workshop attendees.

How To Blend Social Media And Traditional Tools Within Your Communications Plan

Before you capture new technology tips and experience some social media case studies from your peers, join this pre-conference workshop to learn proven ways of identifying the right technologies or social media platforms to achieve your organization’s strategic objectives. Whether it’s micro-blogging for leadership communications, launching a social ideation platform for innovation, developing vidcasts for training programs, or nurturing discussion forums to gather insights from multiple audiences, this strategy development methodology will yield more effective and collaborative communications across borders and time zones.

In this highly-rated, informative workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Use Audience-Centric Communication Planning™ to assess your organization's readiness to adopt new social media strategies
  • Select and integrate the most relevant and sustainable technologies and communication vehicles
  • Communicate your key messages through these new technologies, whether you are an early adopter or just considering new approaches
  • Utilize social media within your current internal, partner or corporate communications infrastructure
  • Develop the business case you need to win sponsor approval and roll out the best technologies for meeting your business goals and objectives

WORKSHOP LEADER: Gordon Rudow is CEO of Bonfire Communications. Gordon is a recognized expert on organizational communications and strategy implementation. He is a passionate keynote speaker, workshop leader and consultant with deep experience in internal communications, branding, employee engagement and organizational change.

During the past 15 years, a wide range of global companies have turned to Gordon and Bonfire to build strategic campaigns that implement critical business initiatives and impact organizational behaviors and cultures. Our workshop participants will learn from his relevant stories and experiences with companies including Del Monte Foods, Gap Inc., Genentech, Life Technologies, McKesson, Oracle, Salesforce.com, Starbucks, Sun Microsystems and SunPower.

Testimonials from Past Gordon Rudow Sessions:

“I think this was so helpful. It gave me a lot of good information to think
over and work through. Thanks!”

“The best workshop/presentation of the conference.
Lots of new learnings. Very interesting!”

“Gordon was very forthcoming with information, knowledgeable and articulate. 
A pleasure to have received this presentation and valuable insights.”

“This was a very great speaker, truly engaging!! Topic was useful and session
was highly informative. 
Great work—thanks.”


12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Afternoon break/lunch on your own

1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

How To Successfully Leverage New Web 2.0 Tools To Develop And Implement An Effective Social Media Strategy For Your Internal Communications Programs: A Step-By-Step Process

We’ve heard that social media is the new word of mouth, and that it can even help organizations create their own “Tribes,” but what does this all mean in terms of how we grow business in today’s new age of information and engagement?

According to the latest survey information available, most C-level executives are no longer debating if they should be engaging in social media, but are now asking themselves how to do it effectively and measure the results.  As with most successful initiatives, leveraging the power of social media involves starting with a well thought out strategy. But the road to getting there can be confusing.

In this thought-provoking workshop, you will learn:

  • What the most impactful social media platforms are
  • What being ’social’ is really about
  • How effective measurement can be part of your organization’s plan

In this new universe, there are unique codes of conduct and you may unwittingly break them at the risk of your brand. Impactful social media programs begin within an organization and flow outward.  Workshop participants will examine how to organically use social media to engage and empower employees, and in the process, have them become some of the most important ambassadors your organization has.  In addition, you will learn how to become publishers in today’s new world of “Me Media.”  Lastly, you will also learn ways your organization can leverage Google’s rules to your organization’s best advantage.

WORKSHOP LEADER: Matt Batt, CEO & Founder of Pipeline Media Relations (www.pipelinemediarelations.com), is a sought after national speaker whose expertise and cutting edge ideas around combining traditional PR strategy with forward thinking social media engagement has led to numerous awards and accolades for him as a thought leader in the space. Matt is an adjunct professor at Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, and a teacher at the Illinois Small Business Development Center. His agency represents a range of recognized industry leaders including Kohler, Miller Heiman, and Redbox. Matt has worked with clients in a wide variety of industries including consumer, financial services, franchise and technology.  

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