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agenda - Day 1: Tuesday, February 23, 2010

8:00 a.m.
Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibits

8:30 a.m.
Chairperson's Welcome & Opening Remarks

Samir Nanavati, Partner


8:40 a.m.
Global And Mobile Identity Management: Business Processes And Technical Innovations To Ensure The Secure Flow Of Identities

As a consequence of globalization, internationalization and the increased flow of information, the world is experiencing an unprecedented transnational population movement. At the same time, it is going through a period of hyper focus on identification, where many daily activities now require proof of identity. The need for controlling identity is creating a major obstacle towards free movement and is taxing the world's outdated border management systems. Left alone, the trends show that the situation will only get worse. The use of biometrics will only improve the situation if an emphasis is placed on both security and facilitation.

During this can't-miss presentation, Dr. Atick, a visionary in his field, will examine the challenges that emerge when identity becomes global and mobile. He will share business processes as well as technological innovations that will be needed to ease current barriers to free human movement and that will empower the efficient yet secure flow of identities across borders. Attend this session and walk away with a greater understanding of the steps required to modernize the world's passport, visa and border management systems.

Dr. Joseph Atick, Executive Vice President, Chief Strategic Officer

Recognized as an unparalleled visionary and strategist, Dr. Atick has been at the forefront of some of technology's most significant breakthroughs over the last seventeen years. Hear the latest biometrics industry update from one of the leading industry leaders. Don’t miss this top-rated speaker!


9:40 a.m.
Speed Networking

Become acquainted with your fellow attendees in this fun and fast-paced forum!

10:10 a.m.
Morning Networking Break & Exhibits

10:40 a.m.
Deploying Biometrics Under Challenging Conditions
And Cost Restrictions

David Henderson, M.D., Deputy Director for Clinical Care


11:25 a.m.
How A Major Retailer Streamlined The In-Store Experience And Enhanced Security Using Fingerprint Biometrics

AT&T's Strategy and Innovations Group knew that one of the most frustrating aspects of any busy retail store, including AT&T stores, is the line that inevitably forms at stationary point-of-sale terminals performing check out.

By implementing a mobile POS platform based around small but powerful tablet PCs, AT&T has enabled their in-store staff to conduct transactions ranging from answering account questions to processing accessory purchases, anywhere in the store. Because these devices operate wirelessly, PCI regulations and AT&T Security policy dictated that access to these devices and the back-end retail systems be protected with strong authentication at a user, not device level. Traditional AT&T strong authentication methods such as One Time Password devices proved too cumbersome to use with the mobile form factor and stylus entry. The mobile devices are shared among retail staff, so authentication is performed frequently. Clearly, an easier, but still secure authentication mechanism had to be found.

Utilizing BIO-key's fingerprint biometric platform, AT&T retail staff authenticates to the network and their POS applications using just a swipe of their finger on the tablet's built in scanner. Any rep from any store can pick up any tablet, swipe their finger, and be immediately authenticated. Despite raising the authentication bar to the highest level – who you are – the retail users strongly prefer the BIO-key authentication method, because it makes the login process easier, with nothing to carry, remember, or lose. At the same time, AT&T is assured that only senior staff can approve overrides, since the biometric credential cannot be shared or stolen.

The AT&T Mobility Team continues to be a pioneering organization in developing and implementing innovative applications and integrated solutions for businesses and consumers. In this session, you will learn how AT&T and BIO-key were able to streamline retail delivery, improve customer experiences, and reduce password & token maintenance overhead - all while improving overall system integrity.

Specifically, you will leave this session with a better understanding of how to:
  • Plan, build and implement a mobile solution that integrates fingerprint biometrics to enable a superior customer experience
  • Address employee privacy concerns
  • Meet the stringent PCI compliance requirements on remote or wireless devices processing credit card data
  • Improve overall system security and staff response time while reducing ongoing maintenance costs associated with resetting passwords or token issuance
  • Successfully deliver a biometric security solution from concept to retail deployment in a short amount of time

Carl Ceresoli, Manager – Information Technology Strategies and Innovations

Jim Sullivan, Director of Sales

12:10 p.m.
Lunch On Your Own -- But Not Alone!

Join a small group of your colleagues for lunch with an informal discussion facilitated by one of our expert speakers. Take this opportunity to join others in an interactive group setting to network and brainstorm solutions to your most pressing biometrics concerns.

1:50 p.m.
How To Implement An Intelligent Authentication Solution That Provides Better Fraud Protection, Meets Compliance Mandates, And Is Easy To Use

As a pioneer in investing in new technologies to deliver the best in patient care, the Cardiology Department at Children's Hospital Boston wanted an intelligent authentication solution that would effectively validate users without compromising compliance mandates or inconveniencing them. Prior solutions took so much time to log in and out of, that users would share accounts or leave applications running in an effort to save time. It was important that the solution not burden Children's Cardiology staff with unnecessary hardware, like tokens, or cumbersome log-in procedures so the gains in security were not offset by poor user habits. The solution also had to integrate into current technology without burdening Children's IT staff.

This case study will explore the IT security challenges Children's Cardiology faced, authentication options it considered, why it chose an intelligent authentication solution utilizing keyboard biometrics over a traditional, password-based system, and the results/benefits achieved to date. You will walk away with a clear understanding of how intelligent authentication solutions not only provide better fraud protection, but can also help organizations meet compliance mandates and secure valuable information.

Specifically, you will learn:
  • The challenges faced by Children's Hospital Boston's Cardiology Department and why they chose an intelligent authentication platform
  • How the intelligent authentication solution deployed at Children's Cardiology uses multiple factors including keyboard biometrics to validate each user accessing the clinical care system
  • How this solution helps Children's Cardiology reduce operational costs and comply with HIPAA without compromising patient care and services
  • The limitations of standard, password-based authentication systems and the risks they pose to organizations and end users
  • The developments in biometrics and other technologies that combine to make it a viable solution for organizations of all sizes
  • The benefits of intelligent authentication solutions, including increased protection, compliance, and ease of use, among others

Dr. Steven Colan, Cardiology

Bharat Nair, Vice President of Product Strategy


2:35 p.m.
How To Streamline Identification Authentication And Authorization By Incorporating Smartcards In A National Biometric Smart Card [NBSC] System – An Overview Of Analysis, Planning, Development And Deployment

With the ever-increasing focus on security and protecting public safety, government services, physical, human and intellectual assets, government organizations seek converged security approaches that address both physical and logical security measures, as well as protect an individual's privacy and basic human rights.

The State of Israel Ministry of Home Affairs and the federal government of a large East African country have taken action by implementing new identification standards nation-wide that make use of smart card technology integrated with biometric records. The current smart card solution for secure travel documents enables unique and single life-cycle enrollment of natural persons in the National Population Register, as well as the production and monitoring of the exits and entries via the national gateways.

Both countries have implemented relatively large "pilot" projects. Israeli authorities have implemented a registration and provision of Unique ID (UID) documents based on bio smart cards for several hundreds of thousands of foreign workers' immigration and monitoring. Whereas, the East African country has integrated biometrics with UID for secure travel documents for its citizens since 2003. It is considered a pilot project for a much larger challenge: the enrollment, and UID document production for its entire population and refugees. This new Smart ID Card is to facilitate the access and usage of multiple, disparate e-government systems and achievement of single sign-on to many nationwide, as well as state and county health, welfare, employment and crisis management systems. This will enable better government planning, mobility of people, emergency public control, law enforcement, refugee handling and will curtail identity theft and fraud, and the need for multiple passwords.

This session will provide you with insight into how two government organizations have planned, implemented and optimized their use of smart cards through a converged security approach, including:
  • The problems that led to the search for solutions
  • The model solution, why it worked and how it can be used
    successfully around the world
  • How to maximize and optimize stronger authentication
    capabilities for enhanced security and greater efficiency

Joseph Margalit, Special Advisor

3:20 p.m.
Afternoon Networking Break & Exhibits

3:40 p.m.
How To Develop A Modular Biometric System To Deliver Screening Capabilities Across Multiple Operations

The U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is moving forward in developing biometric-enabled capabilities to identify and verify the identities of individuals across military operations, access controls, and business applications.  Currently, a number of tactical biometric collection & matching devices exist across DoD that are used to screen personnel during military operations.

Instead of delivering distinctly separate, and in some cases non-interoperable systems, DoD has begun to explore a fundamentally common system that can provide a set of core capabilities with the ability to insert hardware and software modules.  "Plug-in" modules will allow specific user groups to advance capabilities as required by their unique employment activities.  This session will demonstrate how a modular approach delivers interoperable solutions with minimal sustainment costs.

CAPT John Boyd, Director, Naval Identity Management Capability


4:25 p.m.
interactive session
The Use And Integration Of Facial Recognition Technology In A Criminal Identification Processing Sytem: Lessons Learned, Challenges Ahead

The Los Angeles County Sheriff Department's (LASD) early implementation of a large-scale biometric identification system included electronic fingerprint biometric records captured from all County and local police agencies in the County. By updating its system to include a newer version of facial recognition, the County has begun to utilize multiple biometrics for verifications. It has also upgraded its front-end application for its users to make accessibility easier.

This session will provide you with insight on the LASD's experience with facial recognition implementation, including:
  • An overview of the facial recognition system
  • Enhanced capabilities provided by facial recognition and multi-modal biometric systems
  • Future fusion of the LASD multi-modal biometric systems to achieve
    higher accuracy levels
  • Plans to use facial recognition as a tool to identify an individual's identity from surveillance image evidence captured at the crime scene

Sergeant T.J. Smith, Records Division
Sergeant Eb Krone-Schmidt, Records Division

Keith Raderschadt, Senior Sales Manager


5:10 p.m.

End Of Day One


5:15 p.m.
Networking Reception: Please Join Us!

We invite you to join us for a drink as you relax with your peers. All conference attendees, speakers and exhibitors are welcome to join us for this special opportunity to continue networking. Don't miss this chance to benchmark new ideas over complimentary drinks!

7:00 p.m.
Dine Around

Sign up during the day for dinner with a group.Take advantage of Miami's fine dining while you continue to network with your colleagues.

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