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The Digital Transition: How the Presidential Transition Works in the Social Media Age

Written by Kori Schulman, originally published on the White House blog, October 31, 2016. President Obama is the first “social media president”: the first to have @POTUS on Twitter, the first to go live on Facebook from the Oval Office, the first to answer questions from citizens on YouTube, the first to use a filter

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Humanize Communications In A Hyperconnected World

Written by Aniisu K. Verghese, originially published on the Linkedin’s Blog Pulse, October 28, 2016. To be viewed as a valued business communication partner and to engage employees in a hyperconnected world means revisiting and reinventing current communication practices. Understanding the implications of the new world of work and the workplace can lead to improved

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10 Commandments of Internal Branding, Culture, and Employee Engagement

Inward’s 18th Anniversary – 10 Commandments of Internal Branding, Culture, and Employee Engagement

It was 18 years ago that we first started building our own brand identity. At the time, many companies were conducting large-scale process redesign and reengineering programs. Reportedly, close to 50% of those programs were failing, and 80% of the credit was given to reasons related to company culture clashes. Our thinking? What could we

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“Digital workplace” is in the eye of the beholder

Written by Swilson, originally published on the Eloquor Consulting Blog, October 24, 2016. In the past several weeks I’ve facilitated two interactive workshops, one at ALI’s Internal Communications for Health Care and another at IABC’s Southern Region Conference. Both were designed to help corporate communicators think differently about the employees’ digital workplace. So much is what we

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What the heck is an EVP?

Written by Ann Melinger, originally published on the Brilliant Ink Blog, August 26,2016.   What is an EVP? Okay, before you read the headline and think, “Come on, Ann, you’re supposed to be an employee engagement expert. Shouldn’t you know what an EVP is??” – let me clarify. We’ve been hearing a LOT about EVPs

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Score Your Internal Communication Goals

Written by Robin O’Sullivan originally published on the Newsweaver blog, September 22, 2016.  Data analysis can provide professionals in many walks of life, from sports to communications, with insights into their performance. However, without a focus on the bigger picture (your internal communication goals) the data may not be providing useful information. The English Premiership has returned

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Intranet Employee Onboardinge

How to use Your Intranet for Successful Employee Onboarding

This article was originally published on the Intranet Connections blog, September 6, 2016.  Starting a new job can be stressful, whether it be new graduates just starting out, or experienced individuals starting a different job. You don’t know anybody, you don’t know where the lunch room is, where the water cooler is, or even where the bathroom

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Why you need to rethink your internal communication strategy

Written by Sharon Florentine, Senior Writer, While communicating with customers, vendors and end-users is certainly key to business success, your internal communication strategy is just as critical. Here’s how to boost your signal. Communicating effectively with customers, vendors, end-users, potential hires and job-seeking candidates is critical to your continued success. But don’t overlook your

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