
3rd Annual Strategic Internal Communications Conference Recap

Wicked Smaht Takeaways from #ALI_IC in Boston Written by: Dayna Robbie, Communications Specialist, College of Registered Nurses of Manitoba I was lucky to meet and hear from some leaders in internal communications last week. My first experience as an ALI conference attendee brought me to Boston and while a Bostonian accent may have rubbed off on

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Pokémon Go Revolutionizes Mobile Gaming And Augmented Reality

Written by: Matt Manning, Inward Strategic Consulting In 1996, Nintendo released a role-playing game for their handheld Game Boy system called Pokémon, short for “pocket monsters”. In this game, “trainers” explored a world filled with animal-like characters called Pokémon. The goal was to catch Pokémon in a ball, and then train them by battling other

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employee engagement

10 Simple Secrets You Need to Know to Increase Employee Engagement

Written by: Tim Eisenhauer, Contributor, Co-founder, President, Axero Source: Entrepreneur By some accounts, an epidemic of worker disengagement is raging in this country. In its most recent “State of the American Workplace” report, Gallup Research found that 70 percent of U.S. workers were either not engaged or were actively disengaged at work. While there’s some

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Creating Two-Way Communication with Front-line Staff

We recently conducted an online survey of communicators in the healthcare industry and found that 63% of those that responded named reaching non-desk employees and volunteers as their biggest challenge. If you work in the healthcare industry I’m sure that this isn’t a surprise. From nurses and laboratory technicians to emergency medical technicians and surgical

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Why Open Rate is the Worst Possible Email Metric

Measurement and analytics are “in”, and measuring digital communications is easier than ever before.  Easy, however, doesn’t necessarily equate to accurate or actionable.  Much like the “hit rates” of early web analytics, email open rates simply don’t provide a lot of real value.  Let’s examine why. Why your email open rate is under 25% During

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The Employee Experience: Developing an Employer Branding Strategy Plays An Important Role in the Employee Experience

As we come to the end of our Employee Experience series, we want to close on what we believe to be one of the most important components used to fuel the employee experience—Employer Branding. In today’s competitive marketplace, a company’s employer brand is an essential tool to attract and retain top talent. How Can Companies

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The 4Ps integral to Employee Engagement

Philosophically, we know that engaging employees is important, but many of us don’t really know what Employee Engagement means and how to actually measure success. The definition I often used, and by which many employee engagement surveys measure, focus around if an employee STAYS with an organization; if an employee SAYS good things; and STRIVES to

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The Five PR Opportunities Of Crisis: Crisis and opportunity: Two sides of the same coin

Written by: Jacqueline Strayer, New York University “When written in Chinese, the word ‘crisis’ is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.” – John F. Kennedy. When lecturing to my graduate students about crisis I use this quote to launch discussion of the subject. Why? Because we often focus on

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Reaching a mobile workforce: Learn how Miami Children’s Health System’s used responsive design emails to let staff read newsletters on the go

About Miami Children’s Health System (MCHS) in South Florida is routinely ranked among the best children’s hospitals in the nation. They employ over 3,500 employees. Francis Forte, Employee Communications Specialist, is part of a central HR team that manages internal communications throughout the organization. Challenge Reaching MCHS’ diverse workforce is a big challenge. For example,

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3 Mistakes You’re Making With Gamification In Business

Written by: Christie Wroten 1. Failing to personalize the training experience. When you’re using gamification for mandatory online training, consider your learner’s preferences. Even though gamification is the current trend—and has tons of success—not all employees will want to participate. Make gamification a choice. An article I read in Chief Learning Officer points out that

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