Trending in Talent Acquisition: Video

Video is undoubtedly a hot trend in almost every area of business, and that includes recruiting and talent acquisition.

This versatile tool has the ability to portray an image or communicate an idea that might not be impactful if shared in written form. And, thanks to the increasing popularity of video, communicating visually through video can be an effective and low-cost way to inspire and motivate your target audience, and in this case, motivate candidates and future employees.

Here are some ways video is being leveraged as an innovative talent acquisition strategy:

Pre-interview video

Organizations leading the way, like NBCUniversal, are using video as a way for job candidates to introduce themselves and apply for open positions. Think of it like a video audition, in a way. The candidate has prompts and questions that they must record themselves responding to. This is an innovative way to learn more about your candidates before deciding to move them through to the next round of consideration.

Video of workplace culture

As we know, employer brand is a valuable asset when it comes to recruiting new, qualified employees. A critical component of the employer brand is workplace culture. And while there’s no better way to show workplace culture than to have someone experience it first-hand, the second best option is to create a video. Check out the ThoughtWorks case study here and see how they recruited hundreds of talented employees using video.

Video interviews

This isn’t necessarily a new concept, especially if you specialize in global talent acquisition or recruiting a remote workforce. Nevertheless, it’s important to remember that video platforms like Skype are a great alternative to a phone call. Not only are video interviews a great way to get a better feel for candidates through body language, they are also a low-cost alternative to flying a candidate in to interview in-person. Not to mention, video interviews are a great tool when you’re looking to cut down recruiting time and get faster access to top talent, regardless of geography.

Post a video of the job description

This is another innovative way to leverage video for recruiting and talent acquisition purposes. We are all familiar with the written job description, but what if you could show potential candidates a day in the life of the open position? Consider creating a short video (30 to 60 seconds) that shadows someone performing the job you are working to fill or simply narrates the job description over b-roll (supplemental footage) of the office environment and current employees collaborating. This is a potential motivator for qualified candidates, and might help weed out those who wouldn’t ultimately be a good fit early on.


Tell us: What are you doing within your organization’s talent acquisition strategy to leverage the power of video? We want to hear about it in the comments section below!

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