

What are Office 365 Groups? Back to Basics

Let’s get back to basics and start with a simple question, “What are Office 365 Groups?” Today, I’m going to take a step back and try to paint a clear picture about Microsoft Office 365 Groups; hopefully answering some of the basic questions like “what are Office 365 Groups?”, “what do they do?” and “how can enabling the

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Has Your Governance Gone Too Far?

How many of you read that headline quickly and thought it said, “Has Your Government Gone Too Far?” I was afraid of that when I was writing this post, as it seems like politics is on everyone’s mind these days. But this article isn’t about government, though it is about rules, and more importantly, rules

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Internal communications that employees actually want

The impact of technology on human social skills: a communicator’s challenge

The nature of work changes with advances. Some people get that change and others don’t. Those who don’t get left behind. Geoff Colvin explains this in his recent book Humans are Underrated. He also talks about what skills will be most important in the future work environment: “…employers’ top priorities include relationship building, teaming, co-creativity,

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Employee Engagement strategy

Why do I need Governance for Office 365?

By Michael Blumenthal There’s an old project management adage, “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail”. This is certainly true for deploying Office 365 and more specifically, SharePoint Online, for an organization. Planning involves more than just answering the technical questions needed to sync a company’s Active Directory to Office 365. Planning for

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