digital communications

Maximizing the Public Sector Channel Shift with Modernized Comms Tools

Written by Catherine Andrews, April 5, 2018.  Today we’re used to engaging with government by tweeting, email, web surveys and more. But take a step back and think to 100 years ago—nothing was the same. The only way to interact with your government was to write letters, visit city hall in person or attend open

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digital communication

Top 3 Digital Communication Tools to Eliminate Email Overload

By Siv Rauv, Elcom’s blog. Back in the early 1990s, many were skeptical about the prospect of email becoming a viable digital communication tool. Some even doubted the influence that the Internet itself would have on business. However, it didn’t take long for both the web and email to move from the fringes to a

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Measuring Your Digital Channels

Change the landscape of your Internal Communication with metrics from your key digital channels – intranet, email, social and video. As an internal communicator you know the value of measurement. However, less than 50%* of senior internal communications managers believe their team have the digital and technological skills needed. Measuring communications across your channels doesn’t

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Driving Citizen-Centric Engagement

Written by: Dan Chenok A Citizen-Centric Government experience is going to be the new normal in today’s Digital world. Mark Fisk is the lead author for this article.  Mark is a Partner within IBM’s Global Business Services division. I had the privilege of recently attending the Citizen’s Engagement Summit hosted in Washington, DC to learn

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