The Ultimate Guide to Internal Communications Strategy [INFOGRAPHIC]

Written by Poppulo.

internal communications

Measurement and strategy, two crucially important issues for internal communicators, yet all too often either ignored or given scant attention. So, to make measurement easier we created The Ultimate Guide to Measuring Internal Communications and now we are doing the same for strategy, with the publication of The Ultimate Guide to Internal Communications Strategy.

The reason for doing so was simple: while an effective strategy is critical to success, Poppulo’s Global IC Survey last year showed that only 1 in 3 internal communications departments had a strategy. This is the backdrop to our decision to create this exceptional internal communications strategy whitepaper, and why we commissioned Gregg Apirian and Mike Lepis of Vignette, the Employee Experience Agency™, to write it.

Your key takeaways:

  • A clear, step-by-step path to help leaders, internal communications and HR practitioners develop and deploy internal communications strategies.
  • The important difference between tactics and strategy
  • Detailed but practical exploration of the four pillars to effective strategy:
  • Vision – how to lead the way
  • Align – the secret to success
  • Research & Insights – removing the guesswork
  • Creation – building your internal comms strategy
  • Next Steps: moving into action – from strategy to tactics




This article was originally published on Poppulo’s site.


One Response to “The Ultimate Guide to Internal Communications Strategy [INFOGRAPHIC]”

  1. gravatar Brenda Luterbach

    Love ALI and Poppulo – can’t wait to check this out!

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