How to make the case for gamification

Getting the green light on launching a new program can be a challenge. Most of us have numerous hoops to jump through, some higher and some smaller than others.

When it comes to an emerging idea, such as enterprise gamification, it can sometimes be even more difficult to convince leadership that it’s an investment your organization needs to make.

Here are 3 quick tips to consider when making the case for gamification in your organization…

Focus on the benefits. Gamification for business is being used by leading organizations, big and small, to increase employee engagement and productivity. It’s also a great way to instill healthy competition among your workforce that can help drive bottom line business results.

Share a plan for expansion and innovation. The use of enterprise gamification in onboarding and training programs can motivate your team and improve overall employee happiness, which is important according to Harvard Business Review.

Ensure tracking and measurement. Leadership is seemingly always focused on bottom-line business results. “How much did we spend, and what did we get for it?” Being able to ensure there will be data to help prove ROI of any new program is a key component to leadership approval.


Did you successfully convince your boss to invest in gamification internally? How did you do it? Tell us in the comments section below…

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