Gamification: Do we need it?

How familiar are you with the growing trend of gamification in internal communications?

Many leading companies have already started building applications and programs that have turned gamification into a $100 million industry seemingly overnight. And, it’s expected to grow to a $2.8 billion industry by 2016 says Yu-kai Chou, a gamification pioneer.

What is gamification anyway? In short, it’s the application of game-playing elements to an activity. Many businesses are exploring ways of using gamification to train or motivate employees through creating healthy competition and collaboration within their workforce.

Does my company need to gamify? The practice of gamifying internal processes and training has, in many cases, proven effective in increasing employee engagement, improving morale and productivity, and driving bottom line business results. But, with any emerging innovation, the question arises of whether or not to adopt. “Do we really need this? Would our company actually benefit from this?”

Here are 5 challenges that gamification can help your organization overcome. If your company is facing one or more of these challenges currently, it might be time to invest in a gamification strategy.


Gamification: 5 challenges

Is your organization using gamification to engage and inspire the workforce? Tell us about your successes (and challenges!) in the comments section below…

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