Cutting Complicated Corporate Strategies

Register Today for the Strategic Corporate Communications: Using Video, Social, Podcasts, and More conference, Feb 25-27 in Scottsdale.

Attend this one-of-a kind conference to meet and interact with your fellow corporate communications peers as you get together to discover and discuss latest corporate communication trends and challenges. ALI’s communications conference offers a unique insight on how organizations are using digital tools to help reach their corporate goals and increase engagement with their employees and consumers.

With the digital age making its way into the workforce, organizations are taking advantage of technologies to simplify their current strategies. Digital tools give organizations the opportunity to meet their goals in a more efficient, effective, and engaging manner.

corporate communicationsLevi Strauss & Co will be speaking at our Corporate Communications conference and will be giving attendees a look into their own journey in changing their communications mix at the corporate level. The company received word from their human resources that the former communication strategy was too complicated and was missing out on the fun that digital tools have been brining to other workplaces. So, the denim jean experts took the chance and re-vamped their strategies into a much simpler mix that ultimately led to a more successful engagement with their employees and consumers.

Attendees of the Strategic Corporate Communications: Using Social, Video, Podcasts & More conference will learn from many other organizations about brand engagement, digital tools, and corporate change.

If you are a communications professional, register now for this conference & enhance your organization’s existing corporate communications strategy.

corporate communications

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