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The Important Lessons That Southwest Taught Us About The New Rules of Crisis Management

Written by Mike Hattcliffe, RockDove Solutions. Thanks to the Wall Street Journal, we got a fascinating glimpse of the behind the scenes response at Southwest Airlines in the immediate aftermath of the terrifying and tragic incident on April 17th, 2018 when an engine failed causing the death of a female passenger and endangering the lives of

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Getting Managers to Actively Improve Employee Engagement: Is Your Approach Data-Informed?

Written by Justin Black, Glint. Let’s face it: Employee engagement programs often fail. In fact, they fail a disheartening amount of the time. The most common reason is because far too few people are doing what the whole initiative was designed for: using data to take effective action to help people be happier and more

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The Link Between Employee Experience and Customer Experience

Written by Mark Emmons, Dynamic Signal. David Armano is the Global Strategy Director at Edelman where he focuses on helping companies navigate digital transformation. And, yes, that means educating clients on new technology. But he said companies are underestimating an even larger cultural shift. “There has been an inversion in trust,” Armano explained. “Employees, consumers

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Mohegan Sun Engages Deskless Workforce with Company Employee App

Case Study: Mohegan Sun Engages Deskless Workforce with Company Employee App

The challenge of effectively communicating with the deskless worker is one that is becoming increasingly prevalent in many industries, from manufacturing to hospitality; retail to hospitals and trucking/logistics. The reality is that there are nearly 3 billion individuals in the global workforce who do not have access to or use a desktop computer in their

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What You Should Be Measuring to Effectively Tell Your Story

Originally written on Polite Mail. Measurement isn’t worth anything if you’re doing it for it’s own sake. It must tie into your organization’s overarching goals. As Rachel Miller puts it in an article on All Things IC: Too often I see communications teams working in complete isolation from the rest of the business. When I ask how

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How to Make Purpose the Heart of Every Internal Communications Best Practice

The goal of investing in any communications and engagement technology is obviously to communicate better and increase engagement. But organizations should understand that any platform, no matter how advanced, will only be as meaningful as the content it contains. That’s why the one quality all successful best practices in Internal Comms have in common is

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Your Brand Storytelling Checklist: Everything You Need to Craft Your Brand’s Story

Written on On the first day of her high school journalism class, Nora Ephron’s teacher gave the class an assignment. The students were to write the lede of a news story, adapted from the following information: Kenneth L. Peters, the principal of Beverly Hills High School, announced today that the entire school faculty will

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18 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement with Awesome Internal Communication

Written by Robert Grover, At the start of 2017, we talked about how internal communications is a field that requires constant rethinking. With that thought in mind, we’ve gone back to the drawing board and come up with 18 new ideas for making improvements in this crucial area. 18 is no small number, so, in

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Your Brand Strategy Answer? Asking Better Questions

Written on Ask any child what they know about Albert Einstein, and they’ll produce the fabled answer: E=mc2. He’d probably prefer his legacy to be defined by a question instead. Einstein always despised rote recitation. As a teenager in Germany, he ran away from school when his instructors insisted he memorize the content of

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