
Intranet User Adoption

How to drive user adoption of your intranet

  If you build it, will they come? User adoption of an intranet can be a constant struggle in some organizations. For various reasons, some employees choose not to use the intranet. It can become neglected and outdated quickly, which makes the platform less valuable and drives user adoption down even further. But, there are

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Intranet Governance Framework

Intranet: How to create a governance framework

  An intranet is a powerful tool. It has the capability of connecting an entire workforce, large or small, regardless of geography and allowing them to collaborate and share knowledge. A properly designed and implemented intranet can be the solution for employee engagement and internal communications woes. But, it doesn’t stop after design and implementation.

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Using an intranet to improve internal communications

Using an intranet to improve internal communications

The job of an internal communicator is always changing and never done. When a workforce is disengaged and uninformed, they subsequently become unproductive and the organization’s bottom line can suffer. An intranet or enterprise social network (ESN) is an effective solution for internal communicators. It provides a platform to communicate with and engage employees. Ensuring

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Future of Work

Are you ready for the future of work?

  The future of work is all about your employees. To move towards the future of work, organizations need to invest in the employee experience. A great investment that can not only improve the experience of your employees, but also engage them is an intranet. A properly designed and managed intranet allows your workforce to

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8 ways to engage Millennial employees

8 ways to engage Millennial employees

A high level of employee engagement is a goal of every organization. With a highly engaged workforce comes productivity and, ultimately, positive business results. The Millennial workforce often has priorities varying from that of other generational employees, say Baby Boomers. So, in order to effectively engage your Millennial employees, it’s important to be clear about

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7 common mistakes when managing the Millennial workforce

7 common mistakes when managing the Millennial workforce

Retaining, engaging, and managing Millennials can be a challenge. HR professionals, internal communicators, and managers should be aware of these 7 common mistakes when it comes to Millennials in the workplace: 1) Adopting their jargon. You might think you’re strengthening a bond with your workforce when you start including “YOLO” on internal communications – but

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3 ways to bridge the generational gap in the workplace

3 ways to bridge the generational gap in the workplace

Recruiting and retaining the Millennial workforce is only a part of the challenge for today’s organizations. Managing a multi-generational workforce comes with its own set of unique challenges. How do you make Millennials feel valued without alienating the rest of your workforce? What’s the best way to efficiently and effectively communicate with a multi-generational workforce?

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Why your organization needs Millennial talent

Why your organization needs Millennial talent

The average large company in the U.S. will lose 30-40% of its workforce due to retirement over the next 5-10 years. It’s anticipated that Millennial talent will make up approximately 46% of the workforce within the next 5 years. Who are Millennials? Millennials, also known to some as Generation Y or Generation Me, are somewhat

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Gamification in business: 4 common mistakes

4 common mistakes when using gamification in business

Enterprise gamification can be a powerful tool when it comes to engaging your workforce and reaching business goals. So powerful, in fact, that doing it wrong can cause a lot of damage and reverse progress. Here are 4 common mistakes professionals make when using gamification in business… Poor design and/or execution. Games have the ability

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