
Digital Signage

The Rise of Digital Signage as an Internal Communications Tool

Written by Elena Lathrop The art of internal communications – the transmission of information between members of a business or organization – isn’t new. Businesses and organizations have always needed to communicate internally, for as long as they’ve had the means to do so (i.e. language). It predates smartphones, the Internet and even computers. What

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internal communications

A case for prioritizing internal communication

Written by Stacy Wilson, ABC, President, Eloquor Consulting, Inc. Companies must prioritize resources and initiatives. That is obvious. What seems less obvious to these organizations is the extent to which improved internal communication supports the success of other initiatives. Should they be prioritizing internal communication (IC) higher? History repeats itself: a client is faced with

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Employee engagement and the power of purpose

Employee engagement and the power of purpose: why a respectful dialogue is more important than any office perks

  In the first of a two-part series, internal communications specialist David Kenny explores why a sense of purpose is so important in the workplace to foster real employee engagement. The more complex our world gets, the busier we are, the more ‘reductionist’ our perspective can become. Really easily, we can be pushed into a

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measuring value

Unsure about measuring value? Get over it! It’s where the money’s going to be. Just ask a Smashing Pumpkin

Picture Credit: @Bmorrisonphoto For far too many internal communication professionals the concept of measurement is a bit like physical activity for the deplorably lazy: they know they should do it, they know that it’s good for them, but they find it difficult so don’t do it nearly as often as they should. It’s time to

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Internal communications and the corporate newsroom

It’s time Internal Communicators thought like journalists – the corporate newsroom is on the rise.

Listening to the recent Newsweaver webinar on the Rise of the Corporate Newsroom organized by my colleague Emma Hanley was a fascinating experience, for someone who left a long career in journalism four months ago for a new role in the Internal Communications industry. Emma had organized James Curtis and Abigail Levene, directors of corporate

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intranet & digital workplace

Use your intranet properly – get a proper strategy!

Written by Tim Vaughan, Newsweaver Email, video, enterprise social networks, town hall meetings – internal communicators have never had so many platforms at their disposal than they have today. And right up there is the intranet, still challenging email for the top spot in the armory of communications. It continues to be one of the

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measure return on investment

How to measure return on investment (ROI) in Internal Communications? Is it time to ask a different question?

Written by: Tim Vaughan of Newsweaver First, that wonderful and inarguable fact that everybody involved in Internal Communications knows as well as they know their boss’s name (or should do, anyway):  companies with highly effective IC strategies are likely to outperform their industry peers by a factor of 3.5. That, by any measurement, is a

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Unleash the power of storytelling: Build trust, win hearts and change minds

Written by Emma Hanley, Newsweaver Communications Specialist There is nothing more engaging than a great story teller and Rob Biesenbach knows all about it, especially the invaluable role storytelling can play in the world of internal communications today. Rob is a communication professional, an actor and very much in-demand speaker, and last month we collaborated

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health care social media

Social Media Best Practices for Healthcare Marketing

Written by Casey O’Quinn, originally published on November 28, 2016, Gravity Digital’s blog. We’re discussing social media best practices for healthcare marketing. Specifically, B2B (Business to Business) companies that provide products and services to providers. There is a common misconception that social media isn’t a place for B2B, but it’s simply not true. In conversations

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Using Your Intranet To Organize Internal Communications

Written by Jason Oshita, originally posted on the Hospital Portal Net’s blog. A common issue among hospitals, long-term care facilities, and ambulatory surgical clinics is managing the large and constant volume of information. While there isn’t an ideal amount of time to dedicate to review content since the majority of the staff is usually out

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