
digital government

Using Digital to Turn Mission into Realities

Written by Francesca El-Attrash Ukaejiofo, Granicus. A true digital transformation starts by looking inward and identifying our missions in government – whether it’s updating citizens of road closures or better promoting a foster care program. We have the tools (cloud computing, social and mobile technology) and the talent to improve the citizen experience. But how

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Three Ideas to Catapult Employee Engagement

Written by Jill Christensen. In my book, If Not You, Who? Cracking the Code of Employee Disengagement, I put forth a four-step process to re-engage employees, which serves as the foundation for your culture: hire people whose personal values align with your company’s values, align individual goals to the CEO’s goals, create a two-way communication culture,

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internal comms

Why the “Undercover Boss” demonstrates the golden opportunity for IC

Written by Jeppe Vilstrup Hansgaard, Guest Blogger, IC Kollectif. I am sure you know the reality TV show “Undercover Boss”. A CEO works in disguise alongside employees to reconnect with what is going on in the business. The CEO gets surprised about the reality in the company, and often decides to do whatever possible to

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Internal Influence

Internal Influencers: actionable, and no longer optional

By, Mike Klein, Principal of Changing The Terms, a Netherlands-based consultancy focused on internal influencers and strategic internal communication. This article was originally published on the IC Kollectif Blog. Ever wonder why your internal communication isn’t getting any traction?  Or why your engagement scores are slipping despite your steady diet of snappy intranet articles and C-suiter videos?

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communications strategy

Six Ways To Use Enterprise Systems As Part Of Your Communications Strategy

By,Gregg Apirian, the managing director at Vignette, a full-service employee experience agency. This article was originally published on the Vignette blog. Companies are investing millions of dollars in enterprise systems used for recruiting, learning delivery, workforce and performance management, coaching and career development, and other workforce needs. These system investments bring significant benefits and efficiencies to HR, the

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internal comms

Hidden Figures Showcases the Value of Workplace Diversity

This article was originally published on Waggl’s blog. Diversity makes teams better. Remarkable progress can be made when inclusion is at your organizational core. (Spoiler Alert!) Theodore Melfi’s Hidden Figures is the film adaptation of the incredible true story of the women that crushed stereotypes to become recognized as some of the greatest intellectual minds

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communication survey

What is the right employee survey for your workplace? The long, short, and supershort of it.

Written by Pi Wen Looi, Novacrea. Very short pulse surveys are gaining popularity, according to a recent WSJ article. These are one- or two-question surveys that employees receive daily, weekly or monthly. Should you replace your annual employee survey with very short pulse surveys? Comprehensive Employee Survey vs. Very Short Pulse Survey Unlike annual employee

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email design

8 Design Tips to Make Your Internal Comms More Engaging

Written by Paige, PoliteMail Blog. Would Apple have been as successful if they didn’t offer products with a signature sleek, modern designs? And would Starbucks have become a household name without its well-designed stores? That’s hard to say, but it’s clear that good design matters. Design goes deeper than visuals, and your message is more

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Internal Communications

The Responsibility To Create An Innovative Culture Lies With Employers

Written by Allan Steinmetz, Inward Strategic Consulting. Captured before the start of the session ‘The G-8 and Africa: Rhetoric or Action?’ at the Annual Meeting 2005 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 27, 2005. Copyright by World Economic Forum by Remy Steinegger We recently came across an impactful study conducted by

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