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Why You Should Attend The Intranet And Digital Workplace Summit

By Jason Oshita,     

Hi Everyone,

For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Jason, the Client Engagement Manager here at We typically reserve these blog posts for informational topics with specific content. However, for this blog post, I wanted to do something a little different. Last week, I attended the 6th annual Intranet & Digital Workplace Summit in Chicago hosted by the Advanced Learning Institute, and it was incredible! I left the event feeling so reinvigorated that I was compelled to share my experience with my clients and our prospects. I hope you enjoy learning about this amazing conference.

Day 1: The first day was an optional workshop. It was a smaller group (about 12 people) where we went through numerous hands-on exercises. We explored creating an Intranet roadmap, applying internal communication measurement standards to an Intranet, and understanding co-creation within an organization to help drive change & adoption. I loved working with the small group, and everyone was extremely engaged and brought great ideas and concepts to the table. We listened to some of the shortcomings of other attendees’ Intranets. It was really fun collaborating with everyone to try to come up with new, possible solutions to address their current Intranet struggles.

Day 2 and 3: The second and third days were general session days. These days were a little more similar to other conferences in terms of speakers and presentations from experts. These speakers ranged from internal communication managers, to end-users, to vendors, to consultants – so the 50 of us audience members were exposed to a good mix of viewpoints. I thought this was the perfect-sized group – there were enough people for great audience participation, but not too big that people felt intimidated contributing. If I am being honest here, at most conferences, there are usually one or two speakers or sessions where I tend to half-listen and half-get caught up on some emails and other pressing work tasks. But at this conference, I was completely engaged in Every. Single. Session. The speakers were passionate, funny/engaging, and extremely informational. The participation and questions from the other members in the audience were enlightening, and there was a good amount of discussion. As a vendor and newcomer to a conference like this, one that was made up of mostly executives, I felt my comments and contributions were considered as equally as the others. What a great feeling!

A big THANK YOU goes out to Maggie, Mary, and Lisa over at ALI for putting together an excellent conference! I can’t wait to attend the next one! And I highly encourage all of you to attend one if you get a chance.

Here is a list of some of the topics that were covered during the conference:

  • Creating and executing a successful communication and engagement plan for your Intranet rollout
  • Creating an employee recognition program using storytelling and your Intranet
  • Managing considerations when starting an Intranet overhaul
  • How your communications department can effectively work with your IT department to create an Intranet strategy and design that works
  • Creating a measurable strategy for community leaders to enhance your social Intranet
  • The future of technology in internal communications: How to choose the right tools for your organization
  • Creating an employee-centric Intranet to ensure staff engagement
  • Rate your Intranet – Narrow the gap between The Present and The Perfect

I’d love to share what I learned, so if there’s anyone who’d like to hear more about/discuss these subjects, please don’t hesitate to give me a call or send me an email.

For more information about Advanced Learning Institute (ALI) or to register for future events, please visit here.

For information on products and how we can work with your organization, schedule a free demo or request a quote today.

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About The Author

Jason Oshita is the Client Engagement Manager for HospitalPORTAL. He is responsible for maintaining client relationships and account activities, client education and training, referrals and overall client loyalty. In his spare time, you can find him playing with his dog Washburn, out on the golf course, or trying to find something to eat.

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