8 trends in gamification for business

Leading organizations are using gamification internally to overcome various workplace obstacles and improve operational efficiencies.

While the innovation continues, gamification has already proven to be a highly customizable solution for everyday business challenges for companies big and small.

gamification for business


Organizations around the world are using gamification for business to…

1. Increase employee engagement. Use the basic concepts of a game to further engage employees in their everyday tasks, big or small.

2. Increase morale. What boosts the spirits more than a little fun on the job? A well-designed gamification program or application can bring some (productive) fun into the workplace.

3. Recruit and onboard top talent, including Millennials. Many companies are finding that when gamification is used during the onboarding process, they are creating a more enthusiastic and highly engaged workforce at the start, leading to higher productivity and retention rates in the long run.

4. Build brand loyalty. When your employees are involved and engaged, which is behavior that gamification can help encourage, they are more likely to view themselves as part of a larger team with a purpose. When employees feel like they are part of something important, they naturally want to tell others and can subsequently become brand ambassadors.

5. Create better employee training programs. Everyone has a different learning style, of course. But, gamification can be a great tool to train your workforce. Gamifying the training process can help to re-engage and re-energize current employees and get new employees excited about their jobs.

6. Increase healthy workplace competition (and bottom line business results!) Humans are naturally competitive — some more than others. Gamification on the job can be a catalyst for creating some healthy competition and driving higher productivity numbers and pride in work.

7. Promote and influence desired behaviors among employees. Whether the goal is to convert every employee into a brand ambassador, increase productivity of your sales team, or foster higher levels of collaboration, an enterprise gamification strategy could help.

8. Improve employee collaboration on intranet platforms. Incorporating gamification into your organization’s intranet is another way to increase user adoption and ultimately improve collaboration among colleagues.


How is your company using gamification internally? Tell us in the comments section below…

Learn more at the 3rd annual Gamification Forum in NYC.

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