Internal Communications

Finding the simplicity in complexity

Finding the simplicity in complexity

  Finding the simplicity in complexity Comedy shows that mock politics and topical issues, are nothing new. But British comedian John Oliver has introduced a fresh angle with his American talk show, Last Week Tonight. On the surface, a show that features topics like net neutrality, cryptocurrency, and the Argentinian debt crisis, is likely to

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What does ‘engagement’ really mean in the communications world?

In the communications biz, we like to throw the word “engagement” around a lot. We’re  always trying to figure out if our workforce is “highly engaged,” or “somewhat engaged” or “disengaged” or some other kind of engaged. But the problem that none of the high-priced engagement consultants want to admit is, it’s really, really hard

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Strategies and Tips to Make Your Corporate Intranet Essential

Your corporate intranet does a lot for your organization, but are you using it to your best advantage? Underutilization of corporate infrastructure is a big obstacle for many companies. But you’ve taken infinite care to select the right software, and you’ve spent timeless hours training your team on how to use it properly, so why

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How to Beat Boring: 3 Storytelling Secrets for Your Type of Organization

Jessica Stillman· April 16, 2018 How to Beat Boring: 3 Storytelling Secrets for Your Type of Organization   If you’re Google or Pfizer, it’s not hard to come up with stories for internal communications. After all, your employees are literally launching moonshot technologies and developing drugs that save millions of lives. But what if you

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Do you have workers on tap (and if not, when will you)?

Do you have workers on tap (and if not, when will you)?

This article was written in conjunction with Waggl and Courtney Harrison, Principal, Medius Advisory Group.   n case you haven’t heard yet, change is coming to the workplace – and fast. According to a 2017 study conducted by independent research firm Edelman Intelligence and commissioned in partnership by Upwork and Freelancers Union, 36 percent of the total workforce

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Why Short is So Sweet

Why Short is So Sweet

Jessica Brook, March 20, 2018 Mentioning the title of SocialChorus’ ebook, 6 Ways to Attract And Keep Your Employees’ Attention, is probably a good way to attract any communicator’s attention. Who in the employee communications world hasn’t struggled, at one point or another, to hold the concentration of a group of employees? In the following series

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How to use video to communicate culture

How to use video to communicate culture

by Rachel Miller | 10 Apr 2018 | AllthingsIC How can you enable employees and leaders around the world to contribute their own take on your company culture? How could you curate and share it? Today I have a guest post for you by Erika Lee, Internal Communications Manager at Aggreko in Houston, Texas. The company is

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