From Measuring Performance to Managing Performance: Choosing Meaningful Measures that are Linked to a Desired Goal – DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR

11:20am – 11:55am

Once agencies became more selective in employing a reduced number of key performance indicators to determine progress towards select strategic goals that span contributions across several programs, senior managers and executives began to attain a more useful perspective on performance. In addition, individuals in the organization were better able to see how their contribution fit into the organization’s goals and objectives, and the public got a better understanding of an agency’s overall function.   In this session, based on the actual experience of the Department of the Interior, you will learn how using a carefully selected set of limited key performance indicators can help you demonstrate more value by:

  •  Becoming  more useful to senior managers and executives in helping to encourage discussion and planning that improves results
  • Helping orient managers’ contributions to the overall goals of the organization
  • Becoming more informative and transparent to the public about what your trying to achieve
  • Reducing costs in workforce time and resources that were previously spent collecting, submitting and recording data that was usually never used for decision making nor planning purposes

Dr. Richard Beck, Director, Office of Planning and Performance Management, DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR