Meet a Communicator: Greg Monaco, Monaco Branding + Creative

You’ll see presentations and examples of company storytelling, but how do you craft communications to benefit both your organization and your personal brand? Greg Monaco, Brand Consultant at Monaco Branding & Creative will lead an interactive, peer-to-peer benchmarking session at the Storytelling for Internal Communications conference, March 17-19, 2020 in Washington, D.C. Meet Greg and get insight into himself as a communicator and his interactive session.

Why is this conference important for communications professionals to attend?

It’s your tribe. Meet them, share with them, learn from them, love them.

personal brand

What do you hope communicators will take away from this conference & your session?

The networking at ALI conferences is second to none. They will meet like-minds and will learn/evolve together. That’s huge. For my session? I want to create awareness that each participant isn’t just a brand steward for the company they work for. They are their own #1 client. After all, their personal brand will outlast any job. I’d like to take a moment to help them reflect on how they are telling their own stories to the world.

What’s new and exciting in your field today?

Branding isn’t new. But there is a lot of momentum in personal branding today because it’s easy to share your personal stories online. For example, LinkedIn is a powerful social platform for business that requires people to share. Those who are the clearest and most powerful communicators get the attention.

What drew you to communications and why are you passionate about this role?

Communicating is how we create meaningful connections with each other. Is there anything more important than that?

What’s one thing you wish you could tell your past self?

personal brand

Don’t compromise on what you love to do. Not one single bit.

What about this topic excites you personally?

Personal branding is evergreen. It’s not dependent on tools or trends, it’s timeless. The subject has infinite depth. When I help people get clear about their passions and align with their values, magic happens.

How does this topic connect with some of your own core values?

One of my core values is freedom. If you line up your values and passions with your vocation, you’ve won!

What accomplishments are you really proud of and speak to your expertise on this topic?

Playing professional soccer has nothing and everything to do with branding—ask me about it and I will be happy to explain. Also, I built a New York City independent global brand consultancy with a $600 investment and lots of sweat. We had a 15-year run, created beautiful friendships, and did kick-ass work.

Recommend a book or podcast.

Noble Listening by Mark Brady. Listening is the most profound expression of love and—until Mark—nobody taught us how to do it. Mark Brady gives you simple practical ways of connecting deeply with people.

Want to attend Greg’s session? Register now for the Storytelling for Internal Communications conference, March 17-19, 2020 in Washington, D.C.


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