How to drive user adoption of your intranet


If you build it, will they come?

User adoption of an intranet can be a constant struggle in some organizations. For various reasons, some employees choose not to use the intranet. It can become neglected and outdated quickly, which makes the platform less valuable and drives user adoption down even further.

But, there are some simple ways you can help drive user adoption of your intranet…

  • Solicit input and feedback – When your employees feel as though they are helping to shape and customize the intranet, including its content and user experience, they are more likely to use it.
  • Get buy-in and leverage ambassadors – Utilize support from key stakeholders in your organization to drive user adoption among the workforce. By leveraging the support of some, you may be able to spread the excitement and buy-in like wildfire.
  • Make it searchable – Perhaps it seems basic, but ensuring that the search functionality within your intranet is robust and useful can actually improve engagement with the intranet and increase knowledge sharing.
  • Training – How can we expect everyone to use something if we don’t teach them how to use it? Training is a critical, and sometimes overlooked, component to driving user adoption of an intranet.
  • Make it accessible – When it comes to your intranet, your employees are your customers. Make sure the intranet is user friendly and easily accessible anytime, anyplace. Yes, this includes making sure the intranet is optimized for mobile use!

Tell us: How are you driving user adoption of the intranet at your organization? Let us know in the comments below.

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