Facebook Case Study: Maintaining culture and engagement during rapid growth

Maintaining a strong company culture and engagement among employees is critical during times of rapid growth. Not many companies know this better than Facebook.

Advanced Learning Institute sat down with Andrew Blotky, Manager of Internal Communications at Facebook, to get a better understanding of the internal communications challenges Facebook faces and how they overcome them to drive employee engagement.

Here’s what Andrew had to say….

ALI: Why is maintaining a consistent culture important at Facebook?

Andrew: Maintaining a strong culture is important to help people find meaning and fulfillment in their work at any company.  This is especially true at a place like Facebook, which is global, cross-cultural, connects people in real and meaningful ways every day, and where people are in a wide array of job functions.  Shared culture and values are what binds people together, regardless of what team people are on or office they are in, and it’s the one constant thread through a fast-changing, constantly-evolving organization.

ALI: What’s the importance of connecting your employees with the Facebook company mission?

Andrew: Facebook’s mission is to connect the world, and we know that connection to a mission that people can relate to and believe in personally is key to finding meaning and fulfillment in and at work.  We have a saying that “nothing at Facebook is someone else’s problem,” which extends to everybody playing a part in achieving our mission, in whatever work they do everyday.  A common, shared mission helps build community among employees.  It also helps everybody at Facebook be a part of something that’s real, meaningful, and having an impact in the world.  Connection to a mission helps us build the community we want to have to support the nearly 1.5 billion people around the world who use Facebook.

ALI: What is the biggest hurdle the Facebook internal communications team has had to overcome?

Andrew: The biggest challenges continues to be how to maintain and scale the best essence of our culture as we continue to grow.


Hear Facebook’s impressive case study first-hand from Andrew at Strategic Employee Engagement & Internal Brand Activation in New York City, December 7-9, 2015.

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