Intranet & Digital Workplace

Facebook: Maintaining culture and engagement during rapid growth

Facebook Case Study: Maintaining culture and engagement during rapid growth

Maintaining a strong company culture and engagement among employees is critical during times of rapid growth. Not many companies know this better than Facebook. Advanced Learning Institute sat down with Andrew Blotky, Manager of Internal Communications at Facebook, to get a better understanding of the internal communications challenges Facebook faces and how they overcome them

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3 keys to a successful Digital workplace

3 keys to a successful digital workplace

Organizations are re-imagining the way they do business, internally and externally. As intranets continue to evolve and new digital technologies emerge, the digital workplace is taking center stage. So, how do we create a successful digital workplace?   Rethink the role of the intranet. As technology continues to change exponentially, managing and deciding which changes

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3 benefits of a digital workplace

3 benefits of a digital workplace

A well-planned digital workplace can have important benefits that prepare a business for the future of work. When making the case for an updated intranet and the move towards a digital workplace, consider these three benefits: Create community. Give your workforce a place to engage in two-way communication with each other. Create a valuable community

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common digital workplace mistakes

Avoid these 4 common digital workplace mistakes

To ease the transition, make sure you avoid common digital workplace mistakes. The workplace continues to evolve past the traditional intranet. Digital transformation and transition to a digital workplace is a significant challenge, but critical to moving towards the future of work. Building a valuable and streamlined digital workplace keeps employees engaged with relevant content,

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intranet & digital workplace trends

9 intranet & digital workplace trends

The rise of intranets and digital transformation signifies a fundamental shift in the workplace: out with the old, in with the new. Organizations large and small are embracing the concept and moving towards a digital workplace. A digital workplace provides employees with the self-serve convenience of a digital information hub and collaboration tools. The digital

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using different language to convert executives

Using different language to convert executives

By Stacy Wilson, ABC, Eloquor Consulting, Inc. Many executives still don’t appreciate the business value of using social technology inside the organization. In some cases, you need to use different language when you talk to them about social technology. While sometimes this is necessitated by a lack of experience or even technology fear, most of

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Internal Communications Strategy

Why your organization needs a digital internal communications strategy

Employee engagement is a buzz term that (hopefully) every business professional is aware of. In successful companies, leadership acknowledges the importance of engaging and retaining top talent. Why is employee engagement so important? Employee engagement directly impacts the bottom line. However, according to a poll from Gallup, nearly 70% of U.S. workers weren’t engaged in

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Common internal communications mistakes

4 common internal communications mistakes

Avoiding these common mistakes when planning and implementing your internal communications strategy will help ensure you’re building a highly engaged workforce and making a positive impact on the bottom line. Avoid these 4 common internal communications mistakes: 1) Lack of objectives and goals – This might go without saying, but deciding what your objectives and

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challenges internal communicators face

5 challenges internal communicators face

As the role of internal communicators continues to evolve and more tools and technologies become available, businesses are being faced with new challenges each and every day. Recognizing and understanding the challenges is the first step in finding the right solutions. (And it doesn’t hurt to know you’re not alone! We’re all facing the same

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