
3 benefits of a digital workplace

3 benefits of a digital workplace

A well-planned digital workplace can have important benefits that prepare a business for the future of work. When making the case for an updated intranet and the move towards a digital workplace, consider these three benefits: Create community. Give your workforce a place to engage in two-way communication with each other. Create a valuable community

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common digital workplace mistakes

Avoid these 4 common digital workplace mistakes

To ease the transition, make sure you avoid common digital workplace mistakes. The workplace continues to evolve past the traditional intranet. Digital transformation and transition to a digital workplace is a significant challenge, but critical to moving towards the future of work. Building a valuable and streamlined digital workplace keeps employees engaged with relevant content,

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intranet & digital workplace trends

9 intranet & digital workplace trends

The rise of intranets and digital transformation signifies a fundamental shift in the workplace: out with the old, in with the new. Organizations large and small are embracing the concept and moving towards a digital workplace. A digital workplace provides employees with the self-serve convenience of a digital information hub and collaboration tools. The digital

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What's changing in talent management

What’s changing in Talent Management?

By: Mar Guerrero-Busquets, Associate Vice President Employee Experience, Employer Brand, & Performance Culture at TD Bank Group A fast-paced competitive environment; technological advances; everything “real time”; globalization; an increasingly unpredictable future; constantly changing customers’ and employees’ attitudes and expectations…these are some of the reasons why organizations require a more flexible and impactful Talent Management strategy

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using different language to convert executives

Using different language to convert executives

By Stacy Wilson, ABC, Eloquor Consulting, Inc. Many executives still don’t appreciate the business value of using social technology inside the organization. In some cases, you need to use different language when you talk to them about social technology. While sometimes this is necessitated by a lack of experience or even technology fear, most of

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corporate culture of transparency

How to create a corporate culture of transparency

The corporate culture within an organization can directly impact business success. Without an engaged workforce, the bottom line suffers. The struggle becomes, “how do we create and nurture a corporate culture that engages and motivates our workforce?” The answer might lie in transparency. Enabling employees to know the current status and direction of the organization

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Hr, Communications: working cross-functionally

Communications, HR: Working cross-functionally to engage employees

The relationship between Communications and HR continues to evolve – especially as new technologies and innovative solutions to age-old challenges enter the equation. The workplace is also continuing to evolve as employees’ expectations and communication preferences change. Both Communications and HR professionals have a hand in building company culture, managing change, and engaging employees –

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Internal communications that employees actually want

Internal communication that employees actually want

Internal communication plays a crucial role in building company culture, increasing employee engagement, and encouraging collaboration that drives business results. Yet, sometimes it is difficult to get your busy workforce to actually read internal communications and consume the information they need to be more connected to the organization and effective in their jobs. Consider your

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Internal communications trend: become more human

Internal Communications Trend: Become more human

Nearly 70% of the U.S. workforce is disengaged, according to Gallup’s ongoing study of the American workplace. Leading organizations across the country are taking notice and investing more resources into attracting, engaging, and retaining top talent in order to drive bottom line business results. Accelerating employee engagement and building an inspiring company culture is a

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Internal Communications Strategy

Why your organization needs a digital internal communications strategy

Employee engagement is a buzz term that (hopefully) every business professional is aware of. In successful companies, leadership acknowledges the importance of engaging and retaining top talent. Why is employee engagement so important? Employee engagement directly impacts the bottom line. However, according to a poll from Gallup, nearly 70% of U.S. workers weren’t engaged in

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