
Respect and recognition for IC: How do we secure support from senior leadership?

Respect and recognition for IC: How do we secure support from senior leadership?

Written by Joanne McCarthy, originally published on the Newsweaver blog on October 13, 2016. One of the most striking results from Newsweaver’s recent Inside IC survey was that four out of ten internal communicators find it difficult to get support from senior leadership. It’s a disconcerting statistic: if 40% of IC professionals aren’t getting support

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How Good Design Can Create Effective And Engaging Internal Email

Written by Sarah Slattery, part of the design team at Newsweaver, originally published on the Newsweaver blog on October 17, 2016. Design Tips for Internal Email Communication While content may be king – a poorly designed email newsletter template can confuse the message and defeat your campaign goals. A well-built custom template can be used

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How to easily measure and set KPIs for internal communications

Written by Joanne McCarthy, originally published on the Newsweaver blog on October 21, 2016. Making molehills out of mountains: taking the mental block out of measurement and KPIs for internal communication Internal communicators are well aware of the importance of measuring their work. In fact, Newsweaver’s recent Inside IC survey revealed that some 95% of

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7 great ways to create really engaging content – without having to break the bank!

Written by Claire O’Brien, originally published on the Newsweaver blog on November 7, 2016. If your internal communications challenge is to create engaging content for readers who just happen to be employees, then a content strategy for your internal communications newsletter is a very important part of ensuring you get that engagement. An employee email

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Managing Change Through Strategic Internal Communications

Written by Inward Strategic Consulting Program Manager, Matt Manning, originally published on Linkedin’s blog Pulse on November 15, 2016. In today’s constantly changing global environment, companies that anticipate these shifts have a distinct advantage over competitors. For instance, dietary preferences have shifted away from processed fast foods towards organic and locally sourced options. Big box

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Humanize Communications In A Hyperconnected World

Written by Aniisu K. Verghese, originially published on the Linkedin’s Blog Pulse, October 28, 2016. To be viewed as a valued business communication partner and to engage employees in a hyperconnected world means revisiting and reinventing current communication practices. Understanding the implications of the new world of work and the workplace can lead to improved

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10 Commandments of Internal Branding, Culture, and Employee Engagement

Inward’s 18th Anniversary – 10 Commandments of Internal Branding, Culture, and Employee Engagement

It was 18 years ago that we first started building our own brand identity. At the time, many companies were conducting large-scale process redesign and reengineering programs. Reportedly, close to 50% of those programs were failing, and 80% of the credit was given to reasons related to company culture clashes. Our thinking? What could we

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Score Your Internal Communication Goals

Written by Robin O’Sullivan originally published on the Newsweaver blog, September 22, 2016.  Data analysis can provide professionals in many walks of life, from sports to communications, with insights into their performance. However, without a focus on the bigger picture (your internal communication goals) the data may not be providing useful information. The English Premiership has returned

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