Intranet: Where to start

Although the concept of intranets has been around for a while now, the platforms and technologies available continue to evolve. Some companies are still preparing to implement their first intranet. While other companies have an intranet, but might be due for a refresh.

The sheer number of intranet platforms and customization options can be overwhelming. It can be hard for an organization to know where to start, and it can even be difficult for an organization already using an intranet to know where to restart.

Here are 5 factors to consider when launching (or re-launching) your intranet…

  1. Have a plan – The first step in preparing for a new and/or improved intranet is creating a plan. Clearly define the objectives and the role you want the intranet to fill in your organization. Remember: if the prospect of building the intranet is overwhelming, consider a phased approach. Create a plan of action that makes the most sense for your organization and the resources available.
  2. Make it integrated – Use your intranet to consolidate information, share internal processes and communication, and foster collaboration. Integrate tools where users can manage tasks, share knowledge, read announcements, easily collaborate cross-functionally, and access company policies and information.
  3. Make it user-friendly – Create a virtual environment where your employees can easily (and comfortably) access and share ideas and information. Also keep in mind that your intranet should be accessible from any device. Solicit input from your workforce to ensure the intranet is a place where everyone can easily interact and ultimately be productive.
  4. Identify a governance frameworkDecide who owns your intranet upfront and you will help ensure ongoing success once it is launched. Nothing sinks a great intranet faster than poor management of it.
  5. Make a communication and training plan – Before rolling out the intranet to your users, you will need to communicate the changes to your organization and provide them with training. This is a crucial step in driving user adoption.

What steps are you taking within your organization to launch or re-launch a successful intranet? Tell us in the comments section below…

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