This Is an Exciting Time to be an Internal Communications Professional

Written by Paul Barton, ABC, Principal Consultant, Paul Barton Communications.

intranet conference

I enjoyed copresenting “Shifting Culture and Technology Advances Bring Unique Opportunities” with Kris Pugsley, Global Communications Manager and Change Management, Compliance and Ethics, at ON Semi Conductor at the 7th annual ALI Intranet and Digital Workplace Summit in San Francisco today.

It was an honor copresenting with Kris who is doing some amazing things with measurement, internal branding, and effective global communications at ON. The summit also was enjoyable because ALI always puts on such well-run conferences and the information shared among attendees and presenters is always fascinating. Hearing and seeing all the great things organizations are doing with communication technology always reminds me that it is such an amazing time to be an internal communications professional.

Our presentation focused on the many opportunities we have right in front of us. With digital technologies, we can measure things in unprecedented ways. We can use those measurements to guide us to be able to communicate more effectively. Through employee apps and video, we can reach and engage employees in new and exciting ways. And through Enterprise Social Networks, we can connect employees with one another to collaborate and share knowledge in compelling ways we only dreamed of a few year ago.

We face increasing pressures to show business results and enormous challenges to cut through communication overload, noise, and clutter. Our organizations are counting on us to lead the way in internal branding and to facilitate employee engagement. Remember that every challenge we face represents an opportunity for us to provide even greater value for our organizations. This truly is an amazing time to be an internal communications professional.

This article was originally published on Paul Barton Communications’ blog.

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