4 common internal communications mistakes

Avoiding these common mistakes when planning and implementing your internal communications strategy will help ensure you’re building a highly engaged workforce and making a positive impact on the bottom line.

Avoid these 4 common internal communications mistakes:

1) Lack of objectives and goals – This might go without saying, but deciding what your objectives and goals are should come before strategic planning. After all, without fully comprehending where you want to end up, how could you possibly decide what you need to do to get there?

2) Slow distribution & irrelevant information – We live in a fast-paced world. And, much like your business’ consumers, employees demand relevant content and a user experience customized for them. Make sure your communications are as “real-time” as they can be to ensure timely, transparent, and relevant communications.

3) Not asking for feedback – Internal communications is all about an ongoing, two-way dialogue. Further engage employees in the organization by asking questions and encouraging feedback on a regular basis.

4) Unclear roles and responsibilities – Not understanding or clearly defining who is responsible for what is setting your organization up for failure. You could have the best plan in the world, but it’s nothing without strategic and collaborative implementation.

How are you avoiding these mistakes at your organization? What other mistakes have you made and overcome? Share your story in the comments section below.

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