3 keys to a successful digital workplace

Organizations are re-imagining the way they do business, internally and externally. As intranets continue to evolve and new digital technologies emerge, the digital workplace is taking center stage. So, how do we create a successful digital workplace?


Rethink the role of the intranet.

As technology continues to change exponentially, managing and deciding which changes are adopted can be a challenge. The intranet as we know it is transforming into something much larger: a digital workplace.

What is a digital workplace? It’s the collection of all the digital tools, technologies, and resources your workforce needs to best perform their jobs.

How does the intranet fit into the digital workplace? The traditional intranet is evolving past simply being a hub of corporate information. Intranets are just one of the numerous tools that make up a successful digital workplace and can include social networks, unified communications, micro-blogging, and much more.


Clearly define objectives.

It’s important to have a strategy that supports your organization’s mission and how a digital workplace will help achieve business results. Know your employees and what they expect. Once you have a clear understanding of where you want to go and how you want to get there, (re)build your intranet and move toward a digital workplace that can be easily customized for the general needs and desires of your workforce.


Strategically drive user adoption.

Always put your user first. This means your intranet and digital workplace are only as effective as they are engaging. Make sure you are considering the user when developing information architecture, creating content, and selecting tools for your digital workplace. Not sure what will motivate your workforce to use the intranet and tools within the re-imagined digital workplace? Discover through research, interviews, focus groups, and on-the-job shadowing. Without appropriate research, design, and training, user adoption cannot be maximized.


Tell us in the comments section below: How are you moving towards the creation of a successful digital workplace?


Learn more at Transitioning to a Digital Workplace in Atlanta on February 2-4, 2016.

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